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Posts posted by rory

  1. actually i switched and stuck with me as it was faster, and crashes less than 98, but 95, now thats the fastest Me and 98 are basically the same, but me lets you easily tweak it more than 98. Either way we are heading to both being unable to work with new hardware, so I hope MS brings out something better than XP soon. In a tweaked state XP is fine, but then you still have those security holes and updates which are not needed for ME.

  2. Yes, exview is low light color, so it can give you an image in low light, but it is not as good as a true black & white image. Some day night cameras are simply exview, and switch to black & white, but not true black & white mode, so they have the same lux level, same resolution, but can accept IR lighting. While the true day night will switch to a higher res black & white and lower lux level, normally. They use different methods, its explained by someone else on this forum, cant remember off hand.


    Exview is just a cheaper method to get a good image in low light, and can still accept IR lighting in most cases.


    Best image in extremely dark situations or near pitch dark, is a good quality true day night camera, or black and white only, and a seperate IR Bulb if it is too dark. Better image would be to use normal outdoor lighting though.


    And yes, the exview bullet camera will give you a pretty good image in low light.


    There are actually light meters, so you can test the light level in a certain location, to know exactly which lux camera you would require, not sure how much they cost though, but i know I have to get one soon.

  3. it means the LEDs may die within that time, and you cannot replace them, you will need a new camera if you want IR leds again. This has already happened to me. You could probably send it back and have them replaced, but just as cheap to buy a new one. Or just do without the IR.

  4. He is already doing it right for RF modulation, no T-connectors are needed, for a single channel RF mod(not sure there are multiple ones). If there are multiple ones, or using more than one, then you can just use the loop out on the mux.


    I have the video out on my monitor, going to the RF modulator Video input, no T-connectors needed. So you see what the monitor sees.



  5. to start with, a 8" LCD (TFT) monitor, prices around $500, so the larger part of the cost will be there. If you can get one with 2 video inputs (mon A and mon B), that will save cost on the switcher.


    Totevision LCD - 8" #LCD800N


    this has 2 video inputs, and you can purchase a flush mount kit. Note though, not cheap, but same as those with just 1 input.


    As for cameras, if you dont want to spend too much, and easy installation, a 6mm bullet camera would be best. You would need a low light EXview fixed lens 6mm. (4mm is cheaper, but 6mm would be better for the distance you want)



    If the street is on the left or right of your driveway (?) then a 4mm would be better, as it is a wider lens.



    If you want color in day, BW at night, Provideo has a CVC-7700DNV bullet camera, with a varifocal 4-8mm lens, so you can adjust the focal lenght at time of installation.



    True Day night (color switching to BW) is never cheap, but this bullet will be cheaper either way.


    There is also Fixed Vandal Proof Mini Domes, day night, but they cost much more, but are more vandal resistant. For a home, it could be overkill.


    BTW, a black and white only camera will cost alot less.




  6. Hi


    Ill check them all out, thanks for the info. Are there any sites that list all the IP camera Sotfware solutions, just deal with the software side of it, instead of all the hardware that is out there? Maybe something worth getting started?


    Also, any ideas on what is used to connect to the IP cameras? Developer wise, like in the instance that you want to make your own software?





  7. Hi


    #1 - do you need vandal proof, or can you just mount a traditional camera with a mount? If you need vandal proof, or resistant, you can optionally use a Vandal Resistant Mini Fixed Dome camera, with a varifocal AUTO IRIS, 4-8mm lens. This should cover you, and you can adjust it at time of installation to zoom in on the box if you need to. If the boxes are just 2 feet away, a 4mm lens probably is not wide enough, so youd need something like a 2.5 -10 mm varifocal lens, so you can adjust it.


    Take into consideration the glare from lights onto the top of the boxes, but you should be able to make out the letters somewhat ok. Either way you would need a high resolution, color, 480TVL, or even the sanyo 520TVL camera. Also which camer depends on what type of lighting you have there, if it is too dim, you would need a low lux Color camera, and if it is even darker, a BW, though not sure BW will pick up the letters. depends on the colors and their back grounds. Main problem is that a box 2 feet way may cause alot of glare on the camera as it self adjusts. Lighting is the main factor in whether or not you see the images, or if you get glare, etc.


    Interesting to see if anyone else here has done this type of App before, if so post some feedback, id like to know for future use.



  8. also, switcthing out an Everfocus 16 channel for a DVMRe CT in the next few days, will have some time to test that DVR out, and will let you know how it goes.


    As far as I know, the everfocus at least is designed for remote video, with browser based software, think I demod it one time ago, will check it out again.

  9. Hi AV,


    We actually called Pro Video, and supposedly spoke to the technician in that DVR-16/IP area, and I was asking him questions like, I want to play back recorded video over the lan, but he is saying, oh yeah, I gues there is no way to do that. Basically he said, and we did this and it DID work, have to use the CDRW built in, record the video you want, then play it back using the DVR play back software which is included. Now this playback is pretty good, same quality as Kalatel (cheap cameras used so hard to tell), but still cant play back the recorded video over the net, or save a chunk of recorded video over the net, to your remote PC. when i say net, that goes for LAN as well.


    He even admitted, for the price, you loose some features other more expensive DVRs have!!


    Anyway, strange thing is, in the actual manual, there is a section explaining the use of another software program, much like a GUI like WaveReader, or other softwares out there for DVRs, for the play back, etc, remote view etc. BUT, its not on the CD. It sais download the software, exaclty as i just wrote it, but not where to download it from. It has images also, but the tech at Pro Video sais there is no other software!!


    The book has Speco Technologies on the front of it, so Im going to scan that page and email them it, asking where do i download this software from, and why is it not on the CD, and why do the techs not know about this software ...


    Ill let you know what conspires, its a $1500 machine, need to be able to sell it to someone, current features, cant sell it under my company name, may have to sell it to someone that just wants a basic DVR, 16 channel.


    Another thing, Gain is by default way too high, and the image quality on a CCTV monitor, does not match other muxes I have used. Wierd thing is, I am using one of their 9 channel color muxes on another job, just as video output to a second monitor selection on 1 monitor, for some hidden cameras, and the quality is better, and the gain is normal, totally different menu setup, etc. I guess it is built by a different company out of Asia! All kalatel muxes & DVRs have the same set up look and fields.



  10. just did some work on a RF modulator today, with 4 plasma TVs, some 20' Regular TVs, and a big screen TV (60'? it was huge), and a 30 some inch regular TV. The smaller ones and the regular ones gave a good picture, the plasmas were good if you stood back from them a bit, I guess thats how they are meant to be, 1 full screen image of the beach area looks great though at that size! ))



    these are 6 year old Plasmas though, NEC & Fujitsu, mixed, different locations, still would like to try some new Plasmas/LCD.

  11. Hey, great site. Glad I found it.


    What is the best and most cost effective way to split video signal so that I can run camera signal to the DVR and then to the modulation equipment for local viewing on all TV's?


    Right now I'm using a multiplexor with outputs to the DVR and then running the multiplexor video out to the modulation equipment and then using IR devices to control video changing, but there has got to be a better way.


    Modulation is good in a house where you cannot run new wires, but quality is not as good as direct into the video in port of the TV, which is still not as good as a CCTV monitor, but good for what it does.


    Provideo has a cheaper 6 output distribution device.


    Depends how many you need to send it to, kalatel (GE) has larger ones, that do 16 and can be rackmounted to do more, using extra cards, etc. They get pretty expensive, but do the job.


    When you say IR, do you mean a simple remote for the TV or Mux, or what? Not many high quality muxes have IR remotes, which is why I ask.


    You could run Cat 5 for keypad controllers, which control the mux. The keypads arent cheap, and will need to be the same brand as the mux.


    Alternativelty, you can install a mini PC with Lan at each TV location, (sweet if they are plasmas), and using a wireless keypad w/mouse ball (like used with WebTV etc, you can switch to the PC input on the plasma, and connect to the DVR and control the cameras like that.


    Maybe someone else has an idea in using the LAN method.


    As for conventional, the keypads, hard wired are the only route I know of, you can run them up to 10,000 feet from the Mux (Kalatel (GE)), or link multiple muxes also. You can link multiple muxes, keypads, etc.


    But if your IR Remote is working for you, then stick with it, it will be the easiest and less expensive way to go.

  12. Sorry Rory, I should have worded my post a little better, of course the Extreeme stuff is great but its not in the price he was talking about infact it is very expensive.


    I should have mentioned that as i HAVE done in many other posts, Extreeme has some really good gear... you get what you pay for in cameras, wait till they fail, we USED to sell Taiwanese and we stopped for a reason can anyone guess why?


    been there, done that. I don't know about those cams, but I don't skimp anymore on the camera. It's just to vital on a system to skimp on. I'll pass on jobs if the budget doesn't allow for a good camera. the client will just be let down and will reflect back on you no matter how many times you told them it was a cheap cam. My .02


    same here

  13. Some good news here, i have a client that is interested in setting up a business here, in conjunction with a US home theatre company, who also manufacturers Plasmas & LCDs, for home theatre and CCTV, all high end only. So will be some good stuff if we finalise it and do start it up Full showroom etc. They will have to train me in the home theatre as I dont know much about that area.

  14. Ok, basically if you want a good remote video option, do not buy this one, its okay for local video, as its a mux, and DVR, but the software side is terrible. They have almost no instructions on what software to actually use to view it over the web, and then finding a browser based option, when you change things it actually changes the views on the monitor itself, so you are controlling it, if you hit play, the local operator sees it playing also. Also video quality its very bad.


    The mux video quality is also about 3/4 the quality of the Kalatel dvr and im sure others.


    Anyway, just my 3cents, sell it for a local DVR, but for remote, stick to something that is proven and simpler to use.


    Another comarison, it comes with one manual, which you can barely recognise the image examples to see what software is used for what and they dont tell you which is which at least for the remote video side so it makes it almost impossible (there are several small software programs on the CD). Whereas the DVMRe CT i just hooked up, in 1% of the setup time of this one, 1 remote software program, has 4 manuals/operating sheets, quick start guides/archiving details and more, and high quality images of software, connections etc. so even a DIYer can hook it up in only a few minutes; instructions are clear and simple.


    All in all, you definately get what you pay for.
