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Posts posted by rory

  1. if you want to go cheaper, look at the Provideo DVR-16/IP, costs $1500 wholesale, 16 channel embbedded Linux, full featured. Provideo tech support, product, and warranty is great, 100% better product than the ones you are talking about.


    If you really want to be cheap, buy a quad for $50 and a single channel DVR for $400, just as good as the DVRs you are talking about! :-0


    But if you are selling Vpon units, then you are use to cheap low quality products already, so Everfocus should be fine.

  2. yes, direct experience yesterday with an everfocus DVR, and it does not in anyway compete with a GE DVR, or similar, or even Provideo. If you buy a more expensive DVR, or get a Demo, and test it, you will notice the difference. If the everfocus is for home use, or yourself, go ahead, I am talking about selling a good product to your client, and the cheap ones just arent worth it.


    I am constently switching businesses over that are using cheap DVRs for something that works, much better.

  3. ok thanks.


    Yep, maybe ill wait a bit before getting into it. I just tested an IQ3 camera online from the Ipix web site, which claims you can digitally zoom in and out etc, but you cant focus it, so it isnt clear, but I was using Ipix, so that may be the problem there. Cant get any of the other Ip remote software to work on windows ME, its all either for XP or does not have a demo IP to test, or needs a password. Ill leave it alone for now, thanks though.



  4. Yes. they work but they are basically crap, like the everfocus is also; you get what you pay for. Support is terrible on these also.


    IR Remotes only come with the cheap DVRs, generally. The more expensive ones, you can lock it up, and use a keypad to control it remotely over cat5.

  5. no. thoes are not Provideo, those are even cheaper, I wouldnt touch them myself, but its up to you. Never heard of them, but their products are probably just generic no name products, that are normally as good as their price is. Beware the cheap IR bullet cameras, best to get them without IR as the IR on those are 99% of the time useless anyway, unless it is indoors in a small room.

  6. Provideo also has a 550TVL indoor Dome camera, but i have my reservations that it actually gives 550TVL, especially as it is so cheap. Even the 520TVL on the Sanyo cameras is not impressive, at least in the sunlight it is a bad image, puts off a lot of glare, I disabled it in the end. It looks good in the shade though which we dont have much of here... I imagine the extra resolution is just digitally enhanced like using Paint Shop Pro's Sharpen effect.

  7. Okay, Ill give you an example here.


    2 exactly the same cameras, dark car park, 2 different lenses, but one has the Iris level darker than the other.


    Camera 10 is darker, but gives a better crisper image, camera 11 is lighter, sees in the dark better, but image is not as good, in day or night time with light.


    Dont know of this helps, but maybe check the IRIS level on the Ikegami.

    (camera 11 housing is dirty right now also from rain) PS. Im changing out Camera 10 next week for the Kalatel Ultra View Wide Dynamic Camera by the way, and Camera 11 for the new Exview.


    Camera 10



    Camera 10 With Lighting:



    Camera 11


  8. Could just be the Ikegami is a defect camera also, or has settings like you said you could not translate! Other issues could be lighting, where the Ikegami does not respond as well to Street Lights, or smudges on the Ikegami Chip from installation.


    How is the night image on the ikegami?


    Higher lux cameras can produce better images in the day than low light Exview, BUT, shouldnt be in your case. Is Ikegami a cheap camera?? I had some High Res COP Security cameras give me crappy images, when lower res bullets gave great ones.

  9. Cant answer on the GEO, but using a computer monitor on a PC DVR i just changed some lenses and housings for, the full screen is noway as clear as direct to a CCTV Monitor, or even a TV. Though Im sure they will all be different. It will generally not be as clear as direct from the camera to a CCTV Monitor though, or a cctv mux to a CCTV monitor. Like I said, speaking from the PC Dvrs I have seen over here so far, mostly Chinese i think (no names), so GEO could be different.


    Can you use the video out to a TV to test it? If not you can always test it using a BCN T connector at the connection, going into the DVR card, and out to a TV. My 19" and 13" TVs in my home are very crisp, for TVs, CCTV monitors are the best as they have higher resolution, and are designed to be left on 24/7, in other words they will last longer. Not sure how well Computer monitors do, but I leave mine on pretty much 24/7 these days

  10. Did anyone test it out yet?


    No, they cant provide us with any more info, but someone on here got pricing from them and its more than the Kalatel unit.


    Ive leaned towards the Provideo DVR-16/IP embedded linux DVR, cheaper, and better brand support in Amittyville NY. Price is good also. Great for lower budgets. Awaiting one still as they dont stock them at my distributors, should have been here by now.

  11. Hi


    They are great cameras, but there is more to a wireless system than the cameras themselves. The price on those are very high also. However, if you use the EX82 version, will give IR video up to at least 100 feet in pitch dark, I have already used the EX82 and this is proved.


    I have not yet used their wireless, they have solar set ups now also so it will be totally wireless. If you really need totally wireless Day and IR night, then these are a good product. However, the battery is not designed to last that long though. If you can get power to it then it will be better.


    Where do you plan to use them, and for what application?And do you really need to see in Pitch Dark? also, is the client/yourself willing to pay the money that these cost? Can you do the application without wireless, as hard wired normally will be more stable and cost less? Some things to consider first.


    Attn: Larry Doan, Director / Sales Manager

    E-mail: sales@ExtremeCCTV.com


    He will be able to help you with any questions regarding their products.


    You may also want to look at traditional day night cameras, and then add some Extreme CCTV Infrared LEDs for pitch dark. Let me know also, I have all the specs/prices here on them and some experience with them, if you like.



  12. yes, 2 different worlds, we have people here that dont even have computers yet. The majority of my jobs only require a simple standalone system without all the features you guys are using. I guess if you get use to all those features, it would be hard to use something else.


    Im actually looking at a fully integrated Access Control, Video Surveillance, Alarm Monitoring PC system, by GE or similar. Joint Access control/CCTV/Fire is now a big thing down here now with large businesses, and something worth going into. Some locksmiths are doing it but not to the degree that we can, and rely on their distributors input only.


    GE's system, yes PC card, Intel etc, integrates with the Kalatel DVMRe's and other brand DVRs, as well as many other things, still need more info on it, and looking at other brands also. I am actually looking at a high end home automation system that is used world wide, will let you know I find out, it intagrates with different brands of different security products, as well as the home automation part, uses its own wireless touch pads, its the most expensive out though, but worth it for the $10 mill homes we are bidding on now, for automation anyway.


    DVR, im not knocking your systems, Im sure you build killer DVRs, but its different here. I am actually looking at other brands besides GE for the system control, I will go with the best in our region for support, training, etc. Price is not an issue in this case.


    Im also going into Fire Systems, we have a trained & certified Fire crew, Video Monitoring with the alarm monitoring company I work with, along with a local armed security guard force who will do the actuall video monitoring part, for armed security response. While we do the alarm part, as well as CCTV sales and installations, automation, access, etc. We also have a local locksmith we will work with. We will be targeting the entire bahamas as most islands now have Cable internet, noone is doing this here yet. We also have a close relationship with a new wireless internet company here, as wireless is not yet here, but will be in the next month or so.


    It will be one large company made up of other companies.


    So im not close minded entirely on the PC system thing, just for retail etc, its in my best interest to use a stand alone, especially to cut down on tech support, and for warranties, my distributors generally stock stand alones, kalatel being the number 1 stocked, DM the second.


    Not sure if we will do any Licence plate capture yet, but I will keep GEO in mind, and actually see if I can get my hands on one; no Flordia distributors sell them though, so we will have to buy from california or somewhere up north.
