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Posts posted by rory

  1. DVR, maybe its just me an you, in the sunny regions ofthe world, having issues with exview during the day? I know we have too much sun here, I think you are in the tropical area of australia?


    Maybe in areas up north where the sun does not shine as mucg or as strong, maybe they are better there? Where they were made..


    Just wondering.



  2. Well, hmm, if you make CMOS cameras then that should narrow it down, I dont think Kalatel has any Cmos cameras (could be wrong), and since you use such a wide range of camera technologies, maybe Sanyo USA? How about Provideo? Or is it a smaller manufacturer? Maybe you can slip in the dealer section and let us know, just for grins and giggles


    No seriously, I guess we are just curious ..


    Question, to anyone actually, ever see color parts coming through on a B/W camera!! I have a couple of them doing this. the color keys of a cash register, showing up as a form of color, on the B/W micro camera!! Sunlight coming through as yellow in the corner of another, all being Provideo cameras. I dont get it :-0

  3. DVRaustralia should be able to help you more in this area, he deals with GEO vision cards. The DVRs I use are different and have archiving options like Digital Archiving add ons, SCSI, RAID, TAPE, etc. selected by menu in the DVR's Eprom programming.


    GEO should have an archiving feature, to select where you want the data to archive to. You could use a USB2 External Hard Drive Bay and put in your own hard drive. Select that drive as the archive location, sometimes it will be something like drive F, depends on the device you will use.

  4. only if the lens is an auto iris lens.


    There should be instructions with the camera. Basically you just adjust the iris pot (normally a small screw) adjusting the brightness of the image. You dont always have to touch it though, as from factory it should already be adjusted. Depends on your application. I normally adjust it during the day if it needs to be adjusted.

  5. I have 2 exviews in the field right now, and they are great at night in a car park, with lighting, though pixelize alot when it gets dimmer, but the day time is not a good image at all, compared to regular lux cameras (0.5). The best day image I have is coming from the extreme CCTV EX82 camera, which has built in seperate (non low light) color and seperate BW cameras. Even under extreme sunlight and glare coming off blinding white walls, where i cant myself keep my eyes open, it is great.


    That client is buying a DVR and we should have them all hooked up over the next few weeks when they arrive, so ill post some images of the EX82 Infrared once its online.

  6. OK read my post. In it I say 'To say a monochrome camera will outperform an Exview colour is correct' so we do not disagree.


    I am not disagreeing with the comments that 'Ex View chips suck!!!!'


    Exview CCDs are the market leaders for low light applications. If you want the best low light camera then it would be an exview monochrome.


    Is it that when you say exview is poor you are refering to a colour camera.

    It is as if people do not realise that exview is available in monochrome as well as colour.


    yes, color i mean, yes, monchrome is good, exview in color is good also, if you absolutely need color at night, as I had to use in a nightclub car park, but the BW, exview or regular, will give a better image. Alot of the traditional cameras in monochrome are exview now anyway. And yes, it is a leading chip.


    Question, what IS the difference between super had and exview, from what I could tell, exview is more expensive, and gives lower lighting. I havent really used and Super HAD myself.



  7. the cameras/lens normally come with instructions, but;


    focus to wide, back focus, focus to narrow, back focus, focus to your desired focal lenght. Make sure you do this either in dim lighting like evening, or with a filter to fake the low light, this way it will stay in focus day and night. Dont forget to adjust the iris level if you are using an auto iris lens.


    Use a big enough monitor to get the best quality and make it easier. I normally use a 9" BW monitor, or a 13" TV, depends on the job. Portable monitors will not always get the best image, though they can with some work, and are easier to carry up a ladder, or on a crane, or if you cant get power to the camera location. Always test the camera before taking it to its installation location.


    There are some video meters out that will assist with focusing also.


    This is the way I do it to get a perfect picture.

  8. the best 0 lux cameras i have seen/used are Extreme, but expensive. But if you want a 0 lux camera that will see far in pitch dark, and is built for it, and will last, they are worth it. I have a line of them on an ocean property here, 1 and 1/2 years now, through storms, etc, no issues at all.


    If you want to save some money, you could check out Provideo's day/night bullet cameras, and they have a IR Camera that is BW up to 150', claimed, never tested. Price on that model is still only a little less than the Extreme one. Bullets are much cheaper though.

  9. Color Exview produces pixelated images in low light, not day time. B/W gives a much better image in the same image lighting with no pixelization.


    Exview is found in the cheap cameras also. But Super Had is even more common in the cheaper ones.


    For a day night, you want the color to switch as soon as it gets dim, to Black and white, for the best possible image. You can normally adjust this with most day night cameras.


    Ive tried just about every high end low light / Exview camera out, in a local nightclub here, but none could compete with the high quality of a B/W camera.

  10. hi


    2.5-12mm will be fine, and better as then you can adjust it once you install it. Price is not normally much different from fixed lenses.


    Generally; BW for outdoor, and Color inside.


    If you can afford it, get Day/Night for the 2 outdoor cameras, so it will be a better day and better night picture, and it is then color in the say and lower light high quality BW at night. Kalatel, Ganz or Sanyo have some good day/nights.


    If you dont nessasarily need color indoors, get BW, as the BW performs better in low light.


    But honestly, you can get a good picture indoors with simple bullet camera, standard resolution. Outdoors id stick to high resolution. Provideo has a day night bullet that is low cost: CVC-960IR, 1/2 the price of the traditional camera's day/night.


    No matter if you buy the low end or high end, the technology for all of them will change eventually over the years.



  11. yep, exview day images can be shabby, and they get pixelised in low light, day/night is much better. Though if you have a gas station for instance, which has a ton of light, you can even use a standard 1 or .5 lux color camera and it will see fine.

  12. Hello All:


    I received a CD-R produced from a surveillance DVR and it contains large .img files and .inx files, my question is: does anybody know what format is this in? how can i decode it for playback on a pc??? Thanks in advance for any help




    sounds like simple image files, you should be able to open them in most image viewers/editors, but there should be a player to view them in motion.




    Paint Shop Pro will view it also, and there are other viewers, if you dont have a exe or motion file with it, or a viewer that can view them, send me them by PM and i can convert them for you to JPG or something like that.

  13. what other PTZ brand has it?


    Ive seen some seperate boxes that have auto tracking, but they arent cheap. and im sure alot of the windows capture cards have it as its easy enough to write for windows.

  14. whoops. sorry, not use to using PCs for surveillance!


    But before he trashes the cameras he should check to make sure they are OK, and if they work in a TV RCA input, then they are OK.
