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Posts posted by rory

  1. price budget depends where you are buying from.


    what type of cameras and where are you buying from?

    Also, how fast a recrding are you looking for, like 5pps being the most common for retail stores on a multiplexe/DVR. That being spread out among all 16 cameras, but it is still good recording.


    The stand alone is simple to install and requires no maintenance, and is almost as stable as a coffee machine


    If you are buying a standalone like a Kalatel StoreSafe, with 16 cameras you will need a 160Gb to do 7 days on 5pps in a 24/7 retail store with motion detection programmed, but you can get away with 2.5pps as it is all in one, then you would only need the 80GB. Price is much higher though than a PC based system.

  2. Hmmm, a japanese car and a ford truck just had a head on collision outside my appt (which is on a main road here), 2 people lay unconcious.


    Anyway, ambulance came quick, police took over 30 minutes to arrive.

    Im thinking about proposing cameras to the cops, for this area, just as its a bad corner on a main road, and in the past 3 years, ive seen at least 5 major accidents, most head ons, including 1 motorbike head on, and alot were hit and runs. Ive also had cars hit my wall drunk, and have the tow truck come and tow them away, before the police ever turn up, leaving us to fit the bill!


    Anyone ever proposed anything like this to the police / government? Im thinkng about cameras on the lamp posts, with permission from the government, it will just be recorded in the DVR in my place.



  3. ok sounds good.



    i still wanna try your stand alone when you are able to release more info, i know i can take your word for it that its good Something I can sell here, as 90% of this island is poor or cant afford the higher priced Kalatel units. Alot of the standard retail/homes dont need all the features.



  4. 'You have to be kidding me... I mean agree the main screen looks pretty tacky, they wont change it, because they think it is their industry recognition, but the remote software looks heaps better than Kalatel C'mon you can not be serious.'



    I dont need anything that looks flashy, thats why i moved away from DM, I like basic to the point software that works fast and easy I havent seen any asian stuff that looks normal, its all too pink, green, different colors, too much, kind of like what you see on Jackie Chan movies! )))

  5. 1-Most corner shops do not have a lan, infact most would not have one!


    A-then they can buy a video printer I havent seen any other embedded DVR with a print button either way.


    2-I have one that does and yes that is a downfall of embedded systems.


    A-Havent seen and non linux and non PC embedded systems.



    Most muxes/embedded DVRs on the market (big name brands) only have 1 multiplxed monitor A and a Spot monitor B, I guess its an the embedded software issue.
    I have one that does


    A-No high quality ones do that.


    4-Geovision sends a video stream, or a picture or an email or a text and on its own motion detection. there is no control room softwer, video streams are instant where emails aren't and snapshots are no where near as accurate as a real automatic stream.


    A-Sends streaming video to your email?? Also, if it sent clips to your email on motion, youd be getting a ton of email.


    5-Hate to burst your bubble but all those components in the box are actually all asian, it is an Asian DVR as I can see, just rebadged for GE.

    Bloody best embedded software I have seen though for the price.


    A-maybe, but its still not an Asian DVR


    6-As mentioned, mine does 100Fps.




    7-To make this statement you have not tried Geovision! It is worth writing home about. Sadly!


    A-it has awful tacky looking software though, from what I have seen on the browser based version.


    8-I will wait for a price I know dealers buy at $2,200 US I will wait to find out what our buy price is.. bet it costs more in the US as it is easier to drop ship from Asia!


    A-its built in the US, unless they are manufacturing them in Australia also. When i order them, they make them directly at GE in the US, to order.

  6. Quote:Recording of audio is only available if you wish to record at 1Fps this is very lame and infact it will not even record the audio if your using motion detection and it does not detect any video motion.


    Actually, it means you have to have at least one video channel set to 1pps or higher, which means you cant record audio if all video channels are recording less than 1pps, so you can record audio at 10, 20 or 30 pps settings, etc.

  7. oh yeah, it was originally designed only as a 4 channel DVR,and eventually grew to a 16 channel, I imagine they will eventually update the recording speeds.


    Oh yeah, the print server only costs like $100 last time I checked, or like all CCTV systems (non PC) you can add any video printer, or use the LAN and included software.

  8. 1-The system is SOOOOOO easy to use, the manual makes perfect sense.


    A-YEP, thats why I like it, no going back!


    2-The system is SOOOO easy to back up, the best I have seen yet!

    The system records a very large resolution and quite high quality

    The system can calculate your storage so that when you make changes to the system it will calculate your storage days for you.


    A-yes, there are many options for back up and/or archiving.


    3-There is no need for a mouse or keyboard and to be honest it is very smart in how it uses the front panel buttons.


    A-the DVMRe's and DSR have actual labels for what button is what, but you can quickly get use to which one is what which is ok.


    4-I will post more info after preliminary tests, I must say it is an excellent unit, but I am still waiting on the price of it, I am thinking it wont be cheap.


    A-probably at least twice the price of an asian DVR.


    5-I imagine my standalone is about half the price but only has 3/4 of the features, I would say this is one of the best featured standalone units I have seen, however it is pretty darn slow at 25fps, even the rep told me he was dissapointed about this, however they do have plans for a new faster one.


    A-must be a limit in the embedded OS they use, most brand name embedded DVRs only use this speed. I have only seen linux and PC systems with faster than 30fps (its 25fps in PAL, 30 in NTSC)


    6-Overall it looks pretty solid, but as mentioned remote features have not been tested yet and that is where PC's usually are better. I was very dissapointed with the speed as this is a major downfall.


    A- let me know, i have demo alot of PC software but havent seen any extra features worth writing home about ) Though you can view multiple sites in one window with up to 64 cameras at once, in WaveReader, which is pretty cool.

  9. --------------------------

    1-From opening the box I noticed it is an ugly grey colour but not that this is important, The biggest downfall of the unit is that it only records at a very slow 25FPS, this is a bit slow for 16 cameras in my opinion, mind you I do tend to overkill a little.


    A-Yep, but thats how all embedded systems are, also, it does allow you to program each camera at different record speeds for activity, alarm and time lapse. I like the dark grey color, but the CD-RW is a different color which could have been made to be the same color!


    2-The system will not automatically frame buffer like Geovision, however it will event buffer to what you set it to. There are only two levels of password so you can not turn of each feature for several users, therefore it is not as flexible in this regard. The system will not allow you to print pictures without a printserver, which is pretty lame but I Imagine all standalones have this problem.


    A-Not directly, but using the included software it will allow multiple passwords, groups etc. By connecting it to the LAN, you can also print from your PC just like in a PC based, or save/burn to your DVD-RW or CD-RW.


    3-The maximum number of relays and outputs is 16 and as far as I can see they can not be stacked for say 30 or so individual relays.


    A-Havent used those features yet, so you may be right.


    4-One of the big downfalls is that it will not play in standard windows media players as it is not recorded as a straight AVI file.


    A-Nope, most embedded will not, for security reasons, however, it comes with a software program (quickwave) that will run without installation, very small, and will play the video saved to your PC, so you just copy that to the CD. You can also do what I do and use something like cam studio to capture it as an AVI file. But yes, that feature would be nice to have built in as an admin add on.


    5-There is no multiplexed option on the second monitor and it must be used as a switching monitor only.


    A-No, only on the DVMRe models, they cost more and are the higher end units, but they are not as compact as the StoreSafe. Most muxes/embedded DVRs on the market (big name brands) only have 1 multiplxed monitor A and a Spot monitor B, I guess its an the embedded software issue.


    6-The system will only zoom 2x as this is the limit. There is no automatic control room where camera video streams can be sent by an event automatically.


    A- you can have alarm inputs set to send an email or message. Therefore you will need something like an alarm system, motion or beam.


    7-I could not get 1 camera to record at 25fps at high resolution, however I guess at lower resolutions you might be able to.


    A-Havent tried that with the StoreSafe, will take a look. I know the DSR-2000 will do 60pps (but then it is only a 1 channel DVR)


    8-Recording of audio is only available if you wish to record at 1Fps this is very lame and infact it will not even record the audio if your using motion detection and it does not detect any video motion.


    A-yep, only if it is recording, in other words, will not record audio if there is no video being recorded. As for speed, ill have to check, i only have used the DSR-2000 with audio so far, which will record audio at 10pps or more.


    9-I assume the major disadvantages will come when I test the remote capability, but these are the ones I have found by playing with the unit.


    A-let me know, I like the software more than any PC based ive used yet, it just feels more powerful.




    Remember, the StoreSafe is the economical model of the Kalatel DVRs, the DVMRe's may differ some, as well in price though! I still prefer it though over the DVMRe's for its small compact size, you can fit it into any DVR/VCR lockbox, which is a neccessity these days, at least around here.

  10. I think it is horrible. I've seen boards that are cheaper that have a better refresh rate. 25 FPS for 4 cams isn't great. It might work for someplace you don't need fluid motion or even semi choppy motion...that board will put out really choppy motion. Plus it is expensive. 199 for 4 channel isn't great.






    If your in the NJ/NY area, give me a ring, we do professional installs.



    so how about 60pps for 16 cameras from a professional embedded DVR )

    and even more expensive, but it is more professional, more stable, and maintenance free

  11. square poles are great for any camera installation, but not as cheap as the round ones (at least not down here). The square ones look nicer also, especially if painted properly. I have never installed on a round one, yet, until the need arises as it may already exist at the clients location, but normally you will need a pole adaptor for the camera mount. Most PTZ manufacturers have this in thier inventory. If the pole is large like the size of a lamp post, then more than likely you will not need an adaptor.

  12. you will have to pay shipping, and what about customs import taxes?

    Also, what about support, you would have to ship it back to the US then wait for them to ship you another, if it goes bad, its electronic so it can go bad at anytime.


    I always buy local unless its really a huge difference in price, as far as most other things go anyway. I pay $1000 for a computer here, for example, but I can get the same in the US for $399. But then if something goes bad, I have to ship it back, wait for them plus pay shipping and customs tax again.

  13. Also, i was just looking at the vista Columbus series DVRs, notice they are exactly the same as the Kalatel DVRs, in looks anyway, even the single channel DVR is identical to the Kalatel VDR! Except they have blue buttons on them, are they related to GE? OR maybe the lease the technology out or from GE (kalatel) in the US?
