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Posts posted by rory

  1. yeah, probably not, their web site is set to 1000x768 as it is, which is not normal, so they probably wrote the software only for their size of resolution, or technology, so they probably never tested on any other OSs. Thats why I like Microsoft, Nortons, Adobe, all the big guys, they test theur software on more than one OS! ) That includes Kalatel, which works on windows 95 also! (yes i tested it once on windows 95 i loaded on my PC for a 'few minites'! Had to do some updates as with windows 98 also, winme, xp, 2000, no updates required.)


    PS. I test mine also on more than one OS, and more htan one PC.


    learnt the hard & long way with web development, that you cant just have your program working on one OS or browser.

  2. i tried everything, I just get a mixture of video like a fishtank, a warehouse, etc, comingand going with all kind of fuzzy stuff. And it would freeeze up windows on and off, making everything else run very very slow. Maybe I need a faster computer! :-0 (I have 2.2Ghz)


    Maybe it only works on windows XP?? Im using windows ME, and I know I dont have the latest direct X installed.

  3. no they just dont learn, you can kill all the cirminals but they keep coming back.


    But this was a gang initiation that was going on fpor a while, there were other rapes, stolen cars ,ect, all 18/19 year olds from the same area that is not too far away. The guy that was killed was only 18, his accompliss was caught on Wednesday by Police and is only 17! I guess they aught him beacseu he had also been shot by shotgun pellets which ditnt kill but do leave a heck of a mark!

  4. why is it two cameras?


    because you get a better picture from seperate cameras, than 1 camera doing dual functions.


    In other words, if you really wanted to see at night only, and get the best picture at night possible, get a low light BW camera, and use a IR Bulb/LED for pitch dark. if you wanted the best picture during the day, get a high lux color camera, as you arent concerned with low light.

  5. They are their own technology (LRX), best Ive seen, outperforms Sony, and anyone else, the best color camera, and overall day night camera, ive tested alot of them, and this one is great. They also use it at US airforce bases, UN bases, duing the last war in IRaq & Afganistan (with the wireless packs), and movie stars use them all over hollywood at their homes.


    They have them all over london now also, maybe not this model, but the brand Extreme CCTV.


    But yes, $1250 US, so not cheap, then again, its 2 cameras, plus IR LEDs, so its really not an outrages price considering most high res color cameras with varifocal AI lens can cost $300, BW cost $200, 150' IR costing $600, all in one with built in fan, suregprotection, photcell, and more.

  6. Except the morons dont know how to 'design' software they have their appl set to too wide, 1000+ resolution, when most people are using 800.


    And their is something wrong with the viewr,i t is all messed uop, cant see any video properly, keeps freezing up the browser & OS also.


    Just from that, Id stay far away from it. Trust me its not my PC, ive just tested about 20 other browser/windows beased video softwares here over the past few days.



  7. for recording, yes.


    5pps is fine for most retail


    depends on how many cameras are connected, etc. Set up the pps and record, then playbackl and see if it is what you can live with. If not, makee it faster, or slower.


    NOTE: multiplexed video is never real time.

    check out these for an example of different playback speeds & camera numbers, these being on a 60pps single channel stand alone kalatel DVR.



  8. I live in New Jersey. Right now I need to decide on what type of card to get...


    Looking at the Geovision GV-250 card, it only says that it does 20 frames per second NTSC. Now tell me, is that really only 20fps or is it 30fps?


    I thought the LOWEST these card chips could give you is 30fps NTSC??


    no most all DVRs/Muxes, etc, split it up, its the current technology. As you add more cameras, it gets less per camera.

  9. I didnt even see that part, 90' with 12 LEDs, very doubtful, 40 IR LEDs barely give you 40-50 feet (Extreme CCTV products), especially with a wide anlge view, it is normally dark around the edges, andwide angles, are normally not as clear around the edges.


    But yes for that price, you could get it, and for that price its worth it whether it works as it says or not! At least you will get some picture.

  10. I wish, this time of the year is REALLY slow for us, jan-march are the worse,


    only thing keepin me alive right now is internet sales, haven't made an actual local sale since december.


    this has been my busiest month yet! But then I ve just really started advertising, Ill post some images of my signs when i get some photos, they are like those huge signs you get on the highways in the US!


    What Im doing right now, for some people, is letting them buy their parts at dealer cost trhough my distributor, to get the job, yo have it behind me, still make the labour. Only until I get the bus on its feet. Otherwise it normally costs double the dealer cost at my local price, due to duty, shipping ,etc.

  11. Damm, thank god for the good old usa, that happens here, the guy would probably get an award


    seems now they may let him off anyway, as they are not calling it a murder, and so many people called in on the local radio show to say they approved totally with what they did. A pastor even called in and said though hed never committed acrime in his life, he would have done the same, and then poored gas over them and lit it ...


    Some people questioned why they didnt just mame him, but who knows. It was apparently just a 19 year old, but what they did to the maid, she is missing teeth, etc, bad beating, then the guy wasnt exactly innocent.

  12. That looks like an old PELCO board, from 1994 I think


    I'll let you know, I got to check out and old client that has something similar, I'll get back to you.


    they were sold it only a year ago, its asian apparently, as the booklet for the keypad has no name anywhere on it. One of those no name products!

  13. just took over an account that has a no name win98 DVR, selling them a real one, i mean really any other DVR PC or not would be more real than this one they have! It only allows saving an image to a floppy, and has basically no features to speak of, and ofcourse, win98, freezed 10 times while I was there!


    Anyway, the guy that sold them it took the keyboard away as it stopped working, for the PTZ, no name keybpard, as I have the booklet and it, well has no name! But i have attached a photo of it if anyone can recognise it, I need to also know what dome brand it is, but more importantly we need a new keyboard.


    They have a bunch of Phillips Dinion cameras also, in a dirty dirty warehouse, in no housings, and they are all dirty dirty dirty, anwyay, thats another story.


    Its definately from Asia. The DVR software doesnt support the PTZ's protocol, only supports 5 others that dont work.




