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Posts posted by rory

  1. check out




    They have a few shown (silent witness) but several others available.




    Thanks, but I havent found a manufacturer yet that meets this demand, for a full sized traditional camera, unless you use their compact sized cameras. I know about the mini domes, they just dont give the same great image as a traditional camera.


    But looks like mini domes are the only way to go right now.



  2. No thank you!

    You just made a very interesting point.

    I had never thought about that, if your PCI card is out of date you can still sell the computer as a computer or use it (not that it would be worth a great deal), however with a Standalone how can you sell an obsolete one?


    Like I said thats a good point... However with the amount of support hours I am putting in lately I am starting to see Rory's point.


    I hope it all goes well for you.




    and of all things i just went back into the PC repair business, as everything else is slow ..for now

  3. I am currently talking to Katy form AVTECH, they are working on a I/P transmition box, it actually has some cool features but it is far from a polished product yet, it would seem they have not over come the interlacing problem yet.


    The box they sell is less than $100 US so pretty impressive for a four cam server, it also has a cool feature it takes a large cam image when viewing remotely and breaks that image into 4 equal qudrants and then if you click top left or bottom right of the picture etc it zooms to that area alone and does not zoom the rest of the picture, very handy for wide angles.


    I would eb very interested to know what pricing gets offered to you from them with their standalone box can you email and let me know as I will ask her too and would like to see if the same is offered.


    Also I can tell you where to get a simple standalone box with 4 inputs of video and 4 inputs of sensors, it will record at 100fps total but has no remote software or motion detection (unless you use the sensors to trigger it) and does not support removable HDD's BUT IT IS ONLY $200 US


    Pretty darn cheap!


    sure, what is the $200 one, do you have a name or link in the US i can look up?





  4. i posted this elsewhere on this forum:


    for remote video monitoring, im looking for a DVR rack mount, that uses a simple checp video server on the client side (no DVR), and on the remote side, i need some rack mounteable equip to record the remote video, preferably non PC based, but if it has to be PC based, then that is fine. Most important, at the monitoring side, can add/remove normal hard drives when needed. In other words, as we get more clients, we'd like to add our own locally bought hard drives as we need more space.


    I havent found anything yet to do this ..anyone??




  5. Well, I have 2 takers so far, anyone else?, this offer is over on monday, I just want someone from this forum to have one and tell me and the rest of us what they think.


    I would but im broke and I have no credit card, at this time.


    Let me see tomorrow if I can get my colleuge to use their creidt card to get one (or more), Id definately like to check it out. It would be perfect for my personal cameras as I cant afford much else than that anyway at this time! JK.


    Ill see if I can get them to buy a few of them, as demos (like for me and their business and their home, the business will get great exposure as it is a large alarm monitoring co, they have aKalatel DVR already, but can sell this for a different market here.






    ok, but it 'supposedly' has a hard drive, looks similar though, very similar (doesnt have Vitak on it though!), I took a more detailed look at the back of it than the front, but either way, once the guy calls me back, ill be installing it anyway.


    I was so surprised not to see any name at all on it!

    Not in the manual either, no address, or anything. (in other, where do you send it for warranty like what comes in the manuals of the normal DVRs)


    It had a check on the box that it was a 4 channel, the only other selction was a 1 channel. maybe it is just a quad processor like this one though, which would be why it is so inexpensive.


    thanks though alan, you are on the mark as usual (do you have this stuff bookmarked! , this could be the same , just from the manufacturer direct, OEM product?

  7. a local security store wants me to install a 4cam DVR they bought for a client, and some low cost cameras, so im going to do it, as im not turning down money! But, the DVR has no name, the book with it , has no addres or names either, its a 4 channel DVR is all I can tell from it, anyone know whats the deal, he is selling it for like $1500 bahamian, which has to mean it only cost around $400-700 originally!




  8. Kalatel is a great DVR, but pricey. A local distributor told me he has tested the Nuvico embedded DVRs and has found them to be an excellent value for the price. He said Nuvico is coming out with a version similar to the Kalatel Store Safe with a front loading CD/RW at a price that will blow away the Kalatel. I'm kidding about the reps. I know a couple of them since we share the same lines, but they are definitely more aggressive than reps here. Joe Troiano is the Everfocus rep in NY, and then I know Ruben Furcyg who is the Ikegami rep. I also know the owner of Royal Sales, a large distributor in the area.


    Regarding Everfocus, they do make a very good DVR, solid operation and they are local in the Los Angeles area. I used to sell their equipment when I ran a distribution company here. In fact all of their equipment is nice.


    yeah , price is my only issue with their products.


    though dedicated, phillips, etc, all cost the same or more also, just that name brand = high price, I guess.

  9. Maybe Hermin will stand on his head and eat a bug? I looked up that board he has and it actually looks interesting. Will have to see it at the ISC show in Las Vegas this March. So many DVR boards out there it gets overwhelming.


    Don't take it personally Hermin. NY reps are way too intense, like Joe Troiano, compared to us West Coast reps.


    yeah, its a NY rep that sais Kalatel DVRs are out of date! His winXp/2K one is better according to him :-0 Dont know what it is yet, will see when he comes down next week.
