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Posts posted by rory

  1. There will always be issues with every DVR, and every DVR company. We've just tired to find one that worked with us, and that we could support for our dealers.


    never had any issues with the Kalatel DVRs, and the support is great, I have direct email with the engineers now. But those are all in ones, and shouldnt really be mentioned in this forum thread!

  2. What CCTV cameras also have Audio input?


    We have a new security product that will soon allow both video and audio to be seen/heard on PocketPC and remote PC's. What camera/audio systems should we plan to support? Preference will be given to digital/network cameras.


    Dont know about Network cameras, but 'CCTV' cameras generally dont have audio. Some bullet cameras, Ball cameras, hidden cameras, etc, come with audio, there are alot of different brands that have these, Provideo is one of them. There are also ceiling mounted microphone systems, l cant remember the name off hand, lorell r something like that.

  3. What I mean is that I ended up with this guy from a referral here. Plus, I feel badly for being so stupid as to buy from this guy that I'm almost too embarassed to come back. I thank you for trying to help me.


    Turns out, I pressed the guy, and the card in the machine is indeed the $20 POS from China. I didn't pay a whole lot for this thing. The cameras are infrared. If I need to replace the PCI card, no problem. I'll give this a go and let you know what happens. Thanks, guys. Now, if this card is indeed a POS, I may be looking for another.


    no problem, noone is trying to offend you or anything, they all like to help when they can.


    Once you have the cameras, you can always switch the DVR if neccassary. And once the wire is run, you can always switch the cameras out of you wanted to at a later date, or even just swtich one at a time, and test different ones. It is not just a job, its also a fun hobby, at least for me , though can be expensive at some times.


    I have installed a few PC based DVRs in the past actually, though just love the all-in one stand alone DVRs as they are so easy to install and maintenance free, and now come with just about all the features of the PC based ones, BUT, are more expensive in our neck of the woods. Personally I cant afford one yet for my appt, im still using a home VCR@!! And BW Bullet Cameras...


    Soon though, very soon, ill switch as I get more money You know you can also hook the cameras up to your TV if you have a RCA input as most newer TVs do. Its only 1 input, so youd need a quad type splitter to split up the monitor output, they are pretty cheap and any brand should suffice.


    My VCR, i just use a 8hour tape, and hit record when i go out, and i have alarm yard beams though, so Ill know to look if someone tried to break in or steal etc. Heck, the alarm itself cost me $1800 using pricing from wholesale, including wiring the beams etc.! But its worth it. And thats only 3 beams, a motion and a door switch (hard wired).



  4. we are looking for a dvr/camera system, budget is not a concern. what we heed is the ability to atleast have 16 cameras, cameras must be high quality maybe color with low light(night viewing) i cann not stress that costs is not an issue, but performance is. the camera system must be able to detect video motion, we would like a commercial unit for the recording processes. must be able to look at video over ip/network. ptz camera capable. must have outputs to trigger events like buzzers and camera call ups. we will also integrate the lighting system into this using a touch panel system, also auto lighting control using a logic ocntroller. we need a long run. approximately 3000' this must be stable and able to be 100% efeective and not trigger the video motion detection on the dvr recorder/server. any ideas on this? again the highest possible camera resolution is required. also dvr must have prerecord and goto high resolution or camera call up whe motion is detected




    Id recommend the GE Interlogix (Kalatel) DVMRe, if cost is not an issue.


    They have tons of features, are Triplex, and should do everything you want.

    Quote from my files:


    "This multichannel recorder adds Triplex capability: Watch live and playback images while it records. Display multiscreen views on two monitors. Search for recordings with motion in a target area. Four optional internal hard drives provide additional storage.


    An embedded operating system ensures your recorder’s working when you need it. DVMRe digital recorders use an embedded operating system. The result? Your digital recorder won’t be prone to system crashes like PC-based recorders: It will deliver continuous, reliable performance. And the stored video that’s so important to protecting your facility is safer from worms and viruses.


    Viewing software lets you access your recordings while at home or on the road. With the WaveReader software, you can connect to any DVRMe digital recorder in your network to view live or recorded images. Or connect using a modem. WaveReader opens your recorders to users who need access to them, and it enables you to check in on the business while you’re at home or on the road. "


    Size goes up to 1TB (1000GB), with optional acrhiving to rack mountable digital Storage Devices that can hold 2TB each, so yo ucan record for as long as you like (or can afford).


    More infor can be found here:



    For cameras that distance, Fiver would be the best, Kalatel also has dual transmission cameras, called Cam Plus, they are new:



    And for PTZ Cameras:




  5. I have this camera and wold like to use it for some kind of surveliance around the house. The problem is i have no clue how to work this thing. Would it work on the regular tv??? also, there are bunch of dip swithces in the back that I would need the explanation on.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    Best regards, George


    whos it by, sanyo, sony or samsung??

  6. Maybe I should stay away from forums.


    What do you mean by this?


    All we are trying to say is that you should'nt get this system because it's a toy, you should consider something else.


    Remember, most of us here are professionals of the security industry, we know what we are talking about, and we are just trying to help you make a smart decision without getting burned.


    exactly, most people that come to a cctv site, will generally be looking for more than a radio shack type of solution. We're not going to lie to you, merely stating facts on the quality of the products.



  7. The picture of the card on the site is very similar to the cheapo cards on UK Ebay for £22.99. They have the PICO2000 software bundled too. Look at item 2980148392 on Ebay.co.uk. Of course, it doesn't mean that they aren't any good.


    everything on that site is cheap stuff, be interested to see if they work

    i wouldnt call those DVRs though, their just PCs with PCI video capture cards.

  8. With that kind of budget, I doubt that you will be able to find a good day/night camera, your best best is to get a BW camera, with a low LUX rating.


    i agree, most you may find for that is a low lux BW bullet camera.


    i think that is around $200 right?


    The provideo link i posted, that product, with the 1 camera and the device that makes the noise and plugs into your TV, sells for $180 approx, US wholesale.










    #1, what is your budget?


    #2 - Will it be pitch dark?


    #3 - What is the distance from the camera location, to the shed, will the camera be placed on your house looking at the shed?




    Okay, for infrared in pitch dark, best products are ExtremeCCTV.com. They have IR Cameras in BW or Color/BW from 50' to 150' and LEDs that go up to 600' (approx). One thing though, theyarent cheap! But , if you need infrared, its better to use their products one time, as you will only end up wasting your money with other products, such as bullet Cameras with IR leds, claiming 20+ feet.


    For VCR trigger, depends. You can use your beam connected to DVRs or Muxes, which will trigger alarm recording, and can send you email etc. With VCRs, you can can also do this, normally requiring a multiplexer or good quad.


    Let us know what your budget is and someone here can help you pick a good solution for your applcication.


    Here is something basic and ver inexpensive, wont use your beams but the built in motion instead, basic IR to probably 15-20 feet.Can add their VCR trigger device which will trigger the VCR upon motion.




  10. New job, a storage facility spread out over several acreas.... May have to go wireless (due to other utilities, roads, etc..) with up to 12 of them.

    I almost always have a couple cameras wireless in a 8 - 16 camera installation, but 12!


    Is there a better way than to have to buy 12 transmitters / receiver pairs... Cant some of these signals be combined (multiplexed) then transmitted?...


    Plus I have to go about 1500 ft. ..... not many obsticles, pretty much line of sight.


    Suggestions please.....


    the best ive seen yet for wireless cctv and support:



    16 channel version.


  11. Does anyone know of an inexpensive video title generator? I have a customer that is going to use CCTV cameras to show ball games on the internet. I'd like to be able to give the customer the cameras in exchange for our business logo shown on the video.


    provideo (speco technologies), and kalatel's isnt that expensive also.

  12. I would not buy any of that.. IR sucks and I am betting the cams come from China or Taiwan?


    IR doesnt suck if you use the right company. ExtremeCCTV's IR cameras ndLEDs work great, remember i have used them and continue to do so.


    Its the cheap IR Domes and IR Bullets that generally dont do the job, limited IR no matter what they say, they only pick up a person vagley if they arewithin 15 feet..


    But the cheap ones are worth it if thats the clients budget, just wont advertise them as IR cameras.

  13. That isn't entirely true. My distributing company did that all the time from our demo stock. Don't forget we don't have to worry about bad power as much here. A lot of distributors will let you try something and return it. It is a good idea though to try and find a local distributor since it is much more convenient to drive over and pick stuff up.


    There are none here, we have to import everything from Florida and they will never send demos.

  14. Here is a good hint:


    If the company you are interested in is big enough to support you then they will always have large stock, this is a good sign of a successful company, therefore they should be prepared to loan you some demo stock for testing, they can invoice you for it but if you return it you should be able to get a full refund.


    This way you will only be buying from someone who has complete faith in their products.


    no company in the US is going to lend out their equipment! :-0

    Besides, i wouldnt, because if the client hooks it up without a line conditioner, its as good as fried! (at least with our great 3rd world power here

  15. Thanks much. No wireless for me. Strictly wires. I'm still researching. There's a lot of stuff out there. Thank you.


    if you dont need remote video or pc connection, the kalatel VDR is a cheap alternative, and a good brand. Its a Video Digital Recorder, simply just like a time lapse recorder, but longer and higher digital quality, and no tapes, so no maintenance. Its a machine so unlike PC based systems, stable. GOes for $415, same price as a time lapse VCR. Then using a 4 channel mux you can do full screen high quality recording. Just choose a good camera, even if it is not highest resolution. Provideo Bullet Cameras have worked well for me, and are lower costing then a tradiitional or mini dome set camera (CVC-325 - BW Bullet w. sunshield - $150 approx, CVC-625 - Color Bullet w/ sunshield - $check)


    www.spytown.com and search manufacturers can give you an idea of good pricing. They have alot of different brands listed in case you want to use another. Spytown doesnt have the VDR listed, but others do, better yet find a dealer near you, where are you located??





  16. Wireless video should only be used as a last resort, and if you do, you should use wireless video transmitters, with proper antennas & receivers, placed high enough and away from anything that can cause interference.




    Those VEO cameras are not CCTV cameras, and use 802.11b which doesnt gove you much of a range. I agree on the DVR thing, but go for a wired setup where possible.


    An easy way to do it, but not the cheapest way, is to use wireless network cameras and a wirless access point.


    Veo Wireless Observer cameras are $250 or so. No need to run cables, just plug 'em in. A Wireless Access Point is under $100. That also gives you a wireless network in your home...


    Use SkyWire Video software for the motion detection, recording, and remote access. SkyWire Video lets you view your system from PC, and cell phone, and PocketPC. SkyWire Video will support audio in their V2.0 release. Although those VEO cameras do NOT have audio.




    If you only need audio in a central location, just put a good PC microphone there. SkyWire Video will work with that.

  17. really need to find a dealer in your neck of the woods. I buy from Ft Lauderdale, Florida as its closest to the Bahamas.


    www.Spytown.com sells at dealer cost, check it out. I cant say anything about them though as ive never bought from them, but i firstt saw them a year or so ago when searching the web.


    Still maybe best to buy from a dealer you can go and see physically if required.


    If you contact a manufacturer that you want to carry products from, like GE for example, they will give you the location of the nearest representative to your location.



  18. Very strange with the email thing, however I did finally recieve it (obviously), I tried the Kalatel software but it crashed my system and wrapped itself around my Sys32 files. It did not install properly in the first place, kept saying cant read certain files I skipped them, so I assume that is why.


    Your probably right about the router, can you tell me which ports it uses and I will open mine up to it.


    It could be a version issue, some DVRS have this issue when connecting with a different version because they may have made adjustments to the codec.


    If you email it to me again I will give it another go, this is why I love XP, no risk and you can always roll back!


    Do they not have a web based version that does not require software?



    Hope this helped,




    Ive never had a problem installing their software on any windows versions yet, especially windows XP.


    No they dont have a browser based, not on these DVRs, these are single channels, the newer DVRs do have it installed, but i think it is active X so you still download files. There are actually only 3 or 4 needed files (i know from testing and writing the GUI).


    I still dont see how you are having an issue, unless another file is in use already that is being installed. I do remember this happening with an earlier version of my software on another computer, which i fixed, was copying a file that XP was already running in the background, where ME/98 never did. Which software gave you the error? WaveVue (mine) or Kalatel's WaveReader (30MB)?


    It uses port 1024.



  19. Have not seen anything else quite like the Kalatel 1600 before.


    Many DVR's allow remote access through the Web, through dial-up connection. Not quite the same thing...


    Our product lets you view your video system on a java-enabled cell phone. Also not the same thing, but pretty cool in its own right. http://www.astaskywire.com/products/skywirevideo/secure.asp


    Kalatel's DVRs also can be connected to an external US Robotics Modem, for point to point remote phone line connection, but i was asking mainly about just phone line transmitters, not the DVRs.


    As for Palm OS, Pocket PC, etc, Kalatel doesnt provide the software for that, BUT, I can make the software myself, if i Had either of them to test with, I have the developers control, which is why i make my own software for them now, for windows ME and XP.


    WaveReader is one of the best, professional software versions for DVRs i have seen as yet, but i make my own so I can customize the GUI for the client, and have even more features.


    As for Java, i wouldnt want to run that anyway, not secure. Personally I have java turned off on my PC totally, for security reasons. Ive made an active X browser control for the Kalatel DVRs, but once again, security issues for clients. Also, the DVRs now come with browser software built in.

  20. Hi, no prob man, no i wouldnt hook up a PC DVR card on ME or 98. I dont have any bugs with ME from experience. But with new hardware I use XP because most are designed for XP now.


    To be honest, most manufactorers of DVR cards actually dont support drivers for ME anymore. I would assume that if you were talking about DVR cards then you may have used the wrong drivers.


    XP is designed to run on at least 256mb of ram so that would be your bottleneck, and yes if your not talking DVR then of course it will run faster on a lower spec PC, thats because ME was designed for lower spec PC's.


    ME has so many bugs it is incredible and some very severe compatability issues, if indeed you are coding and multitasking I am surprised to hear that ME would out perform XP Pro. However XP was never designed to be run on a machine of that spec so If you are talking about other applications then I understand what you mean.


    As for capture ratings, I have tested all O/S systems and have found very slow capture ratings with 98/ME, they actually drop frames, even on high end machines. 2000 is the fastest in the way of ability to set CPU tasking usage, and as mentioned many times before, there are many ways to set up XP to get rid of what I like to call the "Bloatware" that Microsoft put in there, as far as multimedia went ME was the forefront of the technology at the time but I dont see many people still using it, In fact when Bill Gates Released it (I think it was going to be called whisper or something), he did a demonstration and it crashed on him, kind of ironic really.


    The problem you may be having is that XP requires at least 1.5Gb of FREE space and with only a 2Gb drive you would not have that!


    Also XP if left to its own devices will indeed hog the memory, but this can be adjusted, to be honest there really has only been three O/S that Microsoft has released recently 98, NT and XP. Windows 2000 was just made to fix security problems in NT and ME was a rebundled 98 because they could not release what they wanted in time and it was a bit of a gap filler.


    I am not a huge fan of any Windows O/S however I would have to say that XP Pro is the best if you have the hardware that it recommends, I apoligise if I miss understood you before I thought you were talking about capture rates.


    Hope this has helped.

  21. Hey Rory,


    I do have a couple of places where alarm questions can be answered on this forum. They are under the Security Related Section.


    At this time, I have no plans for another forum. Although it is a good idea because that alarm newsgroup is pretty bad.


    The reason is time and , ofcourse, money. I am working on another web site and it is taking up all my time. I am coding it by myself in asp.net and it is taking more code than I planned. Also I know the time is going to come when this sites bandwidth is going to raise alarm. I will be asked to get my own server at that point. So I am trying to finished the other site so I can hopefully get some funds to get a server for this site.


    Like I said though, it is a good idea worth considering. If I get some extra cash, I may do it. If I could only hit the lottery


    Yep, i understand. What host are you using, or going to use for the ASP.net? I switched over to www.discountasp.net hosting from one i was with for several years, and they are great, and low priced. I need an ASP specific host as I write ASP scripts/applications also (did for years, but lately been too busy with other things).


    I havent moved on to .net yet, as I know classic ASP in and out, so its easier and quicker for me, and I can do anything I want with classic ASP. I understand .net is easier though, so I may move to that soon. Most of my clients dont want to pay for .net hosting yet though, and most still run classic ASP, so thats another reason for me to stick with it. Ofcourse as MS does with everything, they will no doubt stop supporting it at some time in the next coiple years, so we'll have to move to .net anyway.


    Actually most people i know that are recently new to scripting, like within the last year, started with PhP as they claim it to be easier, im just so used to VB and VBscript now, that perl, php (derived from perl/javascript type code) is like spanish to me. I can understand they are all pretty much the same, just with some different variations of code, but still would need to learn alot and no time to learn anything new in programming right now.


    Good luck and if you need any classic ASP help in the future let me know. Ive written a full featured search engine in the past , tracking system, etc, so I have tons of 'tough' code lying around in zip files.


