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  1. s99

    Possessed Cameras?

    Thanks for the reply. It happens during the daytime, it wouldn't be the temperature since it's under a roof and the sun was already going down. I have 14 Cameras on the dvr, powered by two 8 splitter power adapters and they all get distorted as I move the cables, nothing major, but in the video it looks like a digital type issue, how it moves in such way.
  2. s99

    Possessed Cameras?

    I get this about twice a year, different cameras... and now its doing it again! It would last for about 30 mins and slowly fades away. It's just generic bullet cameras, different manufactures. Has anyone seen this before? Heres a pic Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC0StAHU1a4 Thanks in advanced.