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roger phellps

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Posts posted by roger phellps

  1. I'm not too familiar with these DVR's. What kind of motherboard is used in this unit? What I do with other DVR's is I pull the CMOS battery out for 30 seconds or so, then reinstall it. By doing that it will reset any passwords that have been set up. Just to advise you, before you pull the battery out be sure you have unplugged the DVR from the wall and that you have no power running through the DVR, and that the DVR has completely powered down. If your not sure what the CMOS battery is, most of them look anything like a nickel of even a quarter. It should be located directly on the motherboard. let me know if you have any questions, or if this helped out!




  2. Tomcctv: I have tried to load the software, and selected the drive as the master boot. Same out come


    aibudo: I received this DVMS with a defective motherboard. I replaced the motherboard with a new one which is the same model of the defective motherboard that I pulled from the DVMS. After installing the new motherboard is when I started getting this error. So I RMA'ed the new motherboard and received another board which I installed, and continued to receive the error I am currently getting....


    So in a short description I started getting this error after installing a new motherboard.


    Does that make any sense??




  3. Hello, Having a little trouble trying to figure this out.

    The Error is:

    "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device"

    The steps I have took are,

    1: The BIOS will sucessfully flash

    2: The Recovery will sucessfully run.

    3: I have tryed installing new drives. Same out come.

    4: I have messed with the jumpers on the drives. Same out come.

    5: I have also tryed installing a completely new motherboard. Same out come.

    6: I can still acess the BIOS and have tryed a couple of different things and I just can't seem to get passed this error.....


    Any help would be great!



    Roger P.
