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  1. Yeah, I'd like to be able to record it if at all possible. I have an extra desktop and/or a small tv w/built in vcr I can use, whichever is cheaper. Do you have any specific models I should look for? UMDRanger, some screenshots would be great. A lot of my problem is most sites don't have video or screenshots of what the picture quality will look like.
  2. I'm having the same problem, so far in three different apartment complexes I've had my rims stolen (they were stock) and twice someone has attempted to steal the whole car. I'm a broke college student so I can't afford a whole lot but I need a camera I can point out my second story bedroom window. Below is a pic of my car from the window, it's only 20-30' feet. The cheaper the camera the better but I can probably go as high as $200. The lighting situation will be better tomorrow when I go to the office and get the spotlight on the side of the building fixed. It doesn't seem like there are a lot of good resources on the web for this type of thing so thanks in advance for any advice.