I dont know if this thread is ever started on this forum but any ways,
Which one of the two either a pc based geovision Dvr card or a specific or standalone Dvr is more reliable when 24/7 security and surveillance
is required regarding durability and performance.
I already have a linux based standalone Dvr which i am using and one good feature in that Dvr is if there is a electicity power faliure and Dvr shuts down it start in the same settings and modes in which it was before shutting down.Is this also possible in Pc based systems?
One thing which i dont like about this Dvr is it has wavelet compression and in video playbalcks as well as live montring it gives pixelation when zoomed particularly on a person and identification becomes impossible.
Is there a way to enhance zomming in my Dvr so it gives a clear image without pixilation.
Capt.Peshaw Fernendez.