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Everything posted by bulgonca

  1. bulgonca

    AVTech DDNS Help !

    First of all my appologies for my english. I´ve been reading this thread, i have the same problem here. I need to use a DVR in a place with no router supporting DDNS, only ADSL MODEM and a Switch I´m trying to configurate the DVR before taking it to that place. In my scenario (where i´m trying to configurate) i have an ADSL with Dynamic IP that changes in 12 hours intervals. Well, if i configure the DVR (AVTECH AVC-783) to use the Router Gateway, and configure the router port forwarding options. The DVR can be accesible from internet (using port 80 for example). Scenario Settings: Local Lan Router IP WAN IP Assigned by ISP trough PPPoE (for example) DVR IP Gateway So in this case the DVR has an Static IP. But if i enable the DDNS function the strange thing is that the dyndns domain (created for the DVR) has the Router WAN IP. ( How could the DVR send the WAN IP of the router to the DDNS ?? (note that the Router doesn´t have a DDNS servide enabled) If i see the DVR log, there is a record that says "DDNS Update OK" or something like that. But in a second scenario Local LAN Gateway Router IP WAN Ip assigned by ISP DVR Set to PPPoE mode DDNS enabled In this case I set the necesary options so the DVR should get a public ip directly from the ISP (My ISP provider gives me up to 2 public ip at the same time using the same user). But when i apply the changes i can´t connect to the DVR anymore unless that i Reset to default the DVR settings using the AP Software. After doing that, looking the DVR Log i can se a lot of DDNS update errors, but there are no PPPoE errors. Is the DVR establishing a a correct PPPoE connection? is getting the ip? how do i know which one is (because the DDNS doesn´t seems to work)? I think that the AP program is very primitive (my version is, if you by mistake enter a wrong password (the DVR doesn´t ask for any password verification!) the DVR wouldn´t be connecting anymore to Internet!!!! so the only solution is to Reset to default and lose any previous setting. Luckily the DVR Log doesn´t be erased. Is any upgrade firmware for this kind of DVR? I Couldn´t find any. Thanks!!