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Posts posted by indigoallan

  1. Hi,


    I have a Geovision system and the eMail alerts are great - but they keep arriving every 5 minutes! I only want them to be sent out of hours (from 1am to 8am) if motion is detected. I have tried Schedule edit and also Start all Monitoring but it still happens.


    In Schedule Edit, I cannot delete the stuff I put in, now I'm totally lost and gettin loads of eMails! Any ideas?

  2. Got it working! Changed the terminal block to a bigger one to ensure all branches were connected properly, terminated the PTZ cameras and setup PTZ Camera Mapping in Geovision.


    Only one problem but it was overcome was the actual addresses in Geovision start at 0 which is actually address 1, 1 being 2, etc but now no problems



  3. ok cool. Each PTZ branch only goes to one camera. There are three on the system plus one fixed camera. Two have termination switches, one PTZ does not, although this may be hidden inside with an address selector


    None are switched on at the moment - do you suggest I do this?



  4. Right! Got the bottom of the main problem. Basically, as this was an upgrade of an existing system, the cameras were powered into the old 12volt power supplies.


    Fortunately before I had changed it one of the supplies had broken and was replaced with another 12volt supply. The first PTZ was connected to this one (which was 1.25Amp) and the other was to a 500ma supply! Its not powerful enough just to use 500ma supplies!


    Only problem I have remaining is the addresses all moving on 0, despite being set at different addresses on the cameras and not moving using Geovision when the addresses are set using the software to match the hardware settings. I suspect that I may have wired the PTZ wires incorrectly? I have a wire running from the Geovision RS485 card to a terminal block and a seperate wire running to each camera pretty much like various branches running off a tree - should it be looped from camera to camera with the last one terminated? I am only suggesting this as some cameras have a termination switch and I dunno what this is for!


    Thanks again for all your help and hope you can put me right on this last bit!


    Cheers guys

  5. Hi guys thanks for all the info!


    The camera is enabled I think. All four tick boxes are operating and the really frustrating thing is that if the PTZ camera is taken off and a normal dome is plugged in, it works fine!!!


    I don't think it's anything to do with RS-485 wiring cause I removed the wiring temporarily to get video only but still nothing. If I chnage camera to alternative channel on Geo card, the video lost follows it! I have removed the camera and brought it directly to the PC and connected it without the actual wiring running to it, but this still has no effect.


    The USB dongle drivers were installed off the Geo card, but I remember reading something about checking device manager to see it listed - would this cause this problem if not installed properly? I remember trying to upgrade to version 7 before without the dongle and it wouldn't even let me launch the software. That was about 6 months ago, I did a roll back using system restore in windows and have been working with the system fine for 6 months


  6. Hi,


    I have just upgraded to Geovision 7.05 with the USB dongle and software wise things are running okay. I upgraded cameras to 2 PTZ230 Sony cameras with presets and 1 PTZ 100 Sony cam without plus 1 normal dome.


    Problem is that the 2 PTZ230 cams do not appear on geovision together! One is okay and the other is video lost. I have triple checked the wiring and used a normal dome which displays. The addresses of the PTZ cameras are 0 (PTZ100) plus 2 and 3 I think it is. Got a problem with the PTZ100 and PTZ230 turning at same time despite different addresses but I'll work on that tomorrow!


    My main issue I need help with is the video lost on the PTZ230 cams. They work independently but together only 1 does. They both have different addresses but do not want to sit on the same card.


    Settings are at Pelco D and both have been set to this protocol. There is a termination switch but I have tried flicking this but nothing seems to work (not sure what termination is for if i'm honest) . Had a thought that might need master/slave thing like 2nd hard disc on a pc but I'm totally stumped now.


    Anyone any ideas?
