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Everything posted by toughman

  1. toughman

    Gview help!

    I had my geovision 650 running on my PC and browsed with IE without any problem. The version is 8.1. I installed gview to my cellphone with WM5. However, I can't get it work with my DVR. I always got the error message: connected failed. Th manual says port 8866. I tried 80 and 8866 and all failed. Can someone please tell me where could be my problem? Thanks! Roger
  2. Hi, Geovision is a good choice. I stick with MagicRadar since my brother has installed more than 1000 systems with MagicRadar cards and I can get free tech support from my brother's company. I normally record video at 7-8 fps. For your 3-4 days recording, it is almost nothing to the hard drive. Even with 15 fps, the HD won't be any issue.
  3. Like rory mentioned, I really don't recommand to use the same DVR pc for other applications. Yes, for some applications there shouldn't have any problem. However, you don't need a first class pc for your DVR system. Leave the dual-processor for you game applications since it won't give you a better quality of your video recording. For high quality video, you probably want to invest your money on camera, lens, or DVR card. Roger
  4. I have been experiencing the same problem on several systems of PC based DVR system after running for months. Could it be? 1. Hard drive problem. 2. Hard drive defragement. 3. Others. How to take care of it? 1. Defrag. 2. Format. 3. Replace hard drive. 4. Others. Any programs to help with this problem? 1. Trouble shooting. 2. Hard drive/system activity monitor. 3. Scheduled defrag. 4. Others. If you are in business and never experience this problem please let me know. I may have a bad DVR card/software. Thank you in advance. Roger
  5. I tried to monitor my port activities. In addition, I used "spyware doctor" to catch the trojan and the trojan is Trojan.Lazar.C. First, my system was attacked by a PC from China ( It establiched about 9 connections on my port 80 from its different ports. Then, after a while my system started attacking others and my DVR process took about 92% CPU. From my prot activity monitor, my PC would attack different systems on their port 80 or 21. I also observed that the attacks were from my processes, svchost.exe and LUCOMS~1.EXE. Since I have several systems in field, I need to find the solution to prevent this problem. Any input will be greatly appreciated!
  6. rory, You wrote an excellent procedure about making a simple and clear PC based DVR system. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=4074&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15 Would you please share with us one step forther on PC based DVR security protection? I currently have a worm attack and I believe the reason of almost 100% CPU of my DVR system is it is attacking other PCs (port 80 and 21) now. I need to figure it out the solution to protect my system. Thank you very much! You always a big helper on this forum.
  7. loop, Systems will become stable after removing from internet and rerun the DVR program (not reboot). I used port monitor program to check the activities and found out there are some connections on port 80 of my DVR server and one IP address,, took 8 of them. In addition, LUCOMS~1.EXE (it showed from Norton live update) from my DVR system tried to attack other servers on their port 80.
  8. If you turn off the automatic update, how about the security update? I think you never know what is going to happen with virus, spyware, trojan and you name it. I have been experiencing the problem with the systems connected to internet.
  9. Currently I purchase PC packages from DELL for my surveillance system integration and they come with 17" DELL LCD monitors. However, the quality for my DVR application is not too good. One day, one of my customers used his Sony monitor to view the video through internet connection and the picture quality was very impressive. I plan to replace my LCD PC monitor to a better one. Can anyone give me some information on 17" flat LCD PC monitor? Thanks!
  10. toughman

    Which LCD PC monitor do you use?

    With the LCD monitors, I saw the big different between DELL and Sony. I will go to my customer site and write down the model number of Sony monitor.
  11. loop. thank you for your onfo. Yes, the system will be normal after reinstalling the DVR program. However, soon or later it will be showing the same problem. So far, all the systems with problem were online for remote monitor. Do you think internet connection will be the factor to the problem? I used to be an failure analysis engineer and I really want to find out the cuase of the problem.
  12. toughman

    Which LCD PC monitor do you use?

    Sorry, I posted on the wrong section. However, standalone and pc based system both use the same LCD monitor. My application is PC based system only.
  13. We give 1 year equipment and 30 days labor. Does anyone have a warranty example? Thanks!
  14. loop, Have you used the same DVR card, RadarMagic? One of the problem systems became stable after removing from internet, however, the other one still showed the same problem.
  15. rory, Thank you very much! It is a great job. I will study your list and digest... Roger
  16. rory, What do you think the cause of 90% CPU was the DVR software or the hard drive messed up and needed longer time to save the video files? You mentioned before that there are some processes could be disabled to speed up the DVR system. Would you please share your experiences with us? Thanks! Roger
  17. Powertelecomm, Thank you for your advice. However, the capture.exe, DVR program, always takes about 90~98% of CPU when the system is lock-up.
  18. loop, By default, web server port is 80 and video port is 9091. For the firewall, I disabled both Windows and McAfee.
  19. First, I like to appreciate all people have been helping me on this problem. This isue is very important to me since I am taking CCTV as a business. Is it possible to build a trouble-free PC based DVR system? I was told by one guy, his company has built hundreds of systems, that all systems soon or later will experience this problem and the longest life time is about two years. Reformat the drive and reinstall the DVR program will fix the problem. (Maybe I can make money from this problem. ) Recently, I have three systems have the same problem. It didn't mean they all occured at the same time because my customers just found out their systems were slow or lock-up. In addition, it doesn't mean the systems in the field are all good although my other customers don't call me for service. VST_Man' I am kind of agree with you. No anti-virus program is needed if it only works as a DVR. However, I would like to have other people's input about this one. Jasper, Yes, all these three systems have different PC hardwares. They have been in field for three months to one year. I have not touched these systems since the first time installation. lpdog & kandcorp, I need more inputs from others to confirm this. Thomas, You have brought some computer questions. I will try to check them with these PCs.
  20. VST_Man, Since Dell/Compaqe/PowerPC all come with trial version antivirus softwares, are these enough to stop virus? My system is only for DVR function and do I need to install any software like NAV? rory, You got a very good point! I removed a few and didn't clean up all the crap from the original PC manufactoures. I will try to remove them from the PC and see if that will cure the problem. About "there are XP services that need to be turned off to speed up the system", do you mind to share with me? I have the system run non-stop. Jasper, The system become very very slow. The DVR exe file uses almost 100% CPU time. The video recording is not every second but every 30 seconds or longer time. Remote monitor becomes very very slow and almost impossible too. crirvine, I have firmware version 7.1 and software version 4.1.0. I built these systems by myself start with DVR cards. Thank you all again! You guys let me feel like a family! Roger
  21. kandcorp, The system may have one or two hard drives. I use partition to keep the video files from the system files (C:). The PCs are DELL/Compaqe/PowerPC. If you need, I will check the spec. Video cards: on board, ATI AGP. All run windowsXP home. VST_Man, All PCs are dedicated to DVR system no other applications. Thank you for your reply.
  22. PC based DVR: RadarMagic 4-Ch/30fps PC system: P4 2.8G and above, 512MB, one or two hard drive with partition.
  23. Hi, I have my surveillance setup with internet connection and I can remotely monitor with client software. However, I can't browse the security system with IE. I have been installed more than 10 systems (different configurations and/or OS versions) and only two of them have this problem. It is WinXP SP2. The system uses port 80 and 9095. Can anyone please tell me where could be the cause of problem? TIA Roger
  24. toughman

    Video server questions?

    To rory: Yes, the broswer works with others. To sal: Both are SBC with dynamic IP. To COm4: This DVR is provided from my supplier from Asia. My brother has been using this supplier for more than 4 years in Taiwan a very stable DVR card. Both sides are P4 winXP SP2. The router is provided by SBC. Basically, the browser can't access to the server. I tried to disable the firewall and didn't solve the problem. I only needed to set the port number for the server to work. Like I mention on my first post; I don't have problem with the client software installed on the remote PC. In addition, I used ComView to monitor the port packet activities and found out the client software didn't use port 80 only 9095. It looked like the port 80 was blocked from somewhere. Thank very much for your replies! Roger
  25. Hi, As the title, I have some projects need to watch the gate from inside. Can anyone share the experiences with me? TIA Roger