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Everything posted by Lou19

  1. I have two different methods of controling my 8 Ultra Speeddomes, using a Digimux with AD422 code and a 2803 code distributor with RS422. I manually move the wires back and forth - I use the Digimux to move the domes remotely over the internet and use the RS422 to move them on site. My plan is to get rid of the 2803 and use a ADDTE with SensorNet and continue using the AD422 from the Digimux. I use the R+ and R- from the RS422 connector at the dome to move the domes with the Digimux. I intend to also connect the S+ and S- Sensornet connection, at the dome, from the ADTTE. Big question - Will the dome reconize the code change and indicate "Checking Network" for a second than adapt according to code being sent? I am going to benchcheck this, but was wondering if someone has been done this already. Code mergers and converters are just too much money. Thanks, Lou
  2. I need a micro coax adapter for an Ultra VII Speeddome. I can't seem to find I/O boards so I thought I would look for the micro coax to BNC pigtails. Any ideas where to find either? Thanks, Lou
  3. Hello everyone, I recently bought a Digimux to add to my current system, it is a DVMR in American Dynamics clothing. My current system is an ADDTE keyboard into an AD2150 matrix which sends AD Manchester code to a AD2083 RS-422 code distributor to 9 Sensormatic domes. The Digimux has a RS-485 output which they refer to as an AD422 simplex signal (2 wire). I can connect individual domes to the Digimux and control them, even over the Internet - the reason why I bought it. I have tried to send the same signal into the AD2150 through the RS232 port in various settings, didn't work. If I were to convert the code to AD Manchester and use a code merger to the AD2083, I suppose that would work, but the hardware from Sennetech is way too much money. I am hoping for a simpler/inexpensive solution. Is it possible to control all the domes, from the Digimux through the AD2150? What will happen if I connect the domes to both the Digimux and the AD2083 in parallel? Is there a converter to allow the Digimux code to be accepted by the AD2150 RS232 port? Just a note, 5 of the domes each have a single RS-422 J-box, 4 are direct to the AD2083 code distributor- if it makes a difference. Help me solve this, rewards are possible. Thanks, Lou