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  1. Everfocus tech support said that the interface will only run on IE as it requires active x for display purposes. NOTE* I have another PC connected to the exact same switch as the previous PCs I have tested and it works. The only difference it can see is the association with being joined to the domain. My thinking is once being joined to the domain, group policy then is applied via auto deploy which maybe restricting the application from running. Task will be to figure out which one is actually resticting the application. Thats the only theory I have been able to come up with after spending many hours trying to figure this issue out.
  2. Recently installed an everfocus Ecor264-16x1 with 9 cameras connected, whenever i try to connect to the interface via PC the interface causes IE 8 to Crash. I have tried changing IP address for the DVR, tried changing the default port to one that was completely wide open, Called tech support to where they had me download and run a fix for Active X, Downloaded eplusOcx.exe, downloaded PowervideoPlus and all end up with the same results. I have exausted all options on this machine. Any ideas where to turn to next? Sorry if this question should have been posted to a diffent section. Also, tried different versions of IE and the failure still occurs.