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  1. cesarg

    Vehicle CCTV system

    How long aprox. can you record with 20 Gb.?, right now they are offering 40 Gb as the minimum hard disk. Thanks
  2. cesarg

    POS Probridge Interfacing

    You can connect up to 16 POS devices to a single Probridge POS interface.
  3. I'm new with this brand of card, I installed, works great until know, resolution is much better than the one I use now. But I have some questions until now, I've just reviewed some parts of the system: If I want to modify a setting in one of my cameras do I have to turn the web cam server and stop recording in all the cameras, as is the only way I can modify anything? Is there a way to protect the software form someone to turn it off or run a diferent program? With Huper once the software is running there is no way to turn it off or open a program or do something with the PC. I've seen in this forum that removal of the motherboard sound card is necesary, could someone tell me why? Thanks
  4. cesarg

    Problem with Geo600 card installation

    DVR Expert wrote: Yes they are often caused in normal operation... and this goes FOR ALL DVR devices that are not behind a UPS device that communicates with the PC for shutdown....and before you say you have one,...does yours have Buck and Boost... you see power will drop or sag and if your UPS is not INLINE or does not have Buck or Boost then you can easily corrupt an AVI. What is Buck and Boost? is a feature in the UPS device? Thanks
  5. cesarg

    Shuttle PCs for Geovision use

  6. cesarg

    Geovision and the onboard sound card

    With Geovision Cards... Why should I disable th onboard sound card? Or Can I install a pci sound card to listen to recorded audio or a CD music? Thanks
  7. cesarg

    Geovision and the onboard sound card

    DVR_Expert wrote: Please be sure that you have not recorded to the C: drive, make sure you use a partition to record to and take away the default recording to C: Drive or you will strangle the swap file Why is so important to have 2 partitions or hard disks in a DVR PC Based? I can limit the size of video data so that no strangle the swap file. Thanks
  8. cesarg

    What is more popular in your area?

    PC-Based are the most. Economy is not so good in México for cutomers to spend in a standalone DVR.
  9. cesarg

    Geovison system problem, AGAIN!

    With 3 hard disks working in the PC do you have very good ventilation? Don't they over heat and cause sunddenly problems with windows?
  10. cesarg

    Building a Geovision system

    Hello, Do you think I can have 2 diferent DVR cards in the same machine, running just the one I decide I want to test Geo and Huper in the same PC. Thanks.
  11. Have you tried Huper DVR 2400? Is the one I'm dealing right now.
  12. cesarg

    Building a Geovision system

    10/do not place the geo card int he first pci slot Why is not recomended to use the first PCI slot?
  13. I don't know I-Chance cards but you should give DVR Expert a call, he gave me very good prices in Geo cards, almost the same that the ones I'm using with my DVR card, only araise the cost a little more for shipping from Australia to USA. But with so many extra features than Geo has I prefer to pay that extra cost.