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Everything posted by cctv_down_under

  1. cctv_down_under

    Covi Sec advert

    Does anyone know who manufactures the little dvr with inbuilt LCD that is in the Covisec adverisement banner add?
  2. http://www.videoman.com.au/display_product.asp?page=22
  3. cctv_down_under

    Does any one know this DVR? Pro's and Cons?

    Can you PM me the Asian source
  4. cctv_down_under

    Geovision DSP Output Issue

    Hi guys, I am trying to avoid a long drive to site to troubleshoot why I am not getting the quad screen on the spot monitor. I know geo pretty well and know how to set up the output, but for some reason I am not getting signal at the spot monitor, I have to be onsite to test if video is coming out of the box... the only thing I saw that was weird..was it said cant find keypro...once i rebooted it was fine...I assume this refers to an onboard dongle on the card...but my question is .... Is it possible the DSP component (its a combo card) has lost its drivers? I can simply take the output from the box and place into camera 1 input to test the video out component, but if its just a driver issue then there is no need.
  5. cctv_down_under

    Geovision DSP Output Issue

    Error has gone away, the fault was the screen, I dont know why but powering it down and retsarting it plus turning on DMPI mode (or something like that...I couldnt understand the tech) fixed the problem. If only Geo adopted that BNC backplane concept, those flakey fly leads always make me think that is the issue.
  6. cctv_down_under

    What to look for in a Geo POS compatible register

    I dont like doing data capture POS, it should not be done that way... Doing data capture in such a mannor, only gives you part of the information, a docket or a 232 output is usually sanatized data, therefore some of the things you want to search wont show up becasue they arent on a docket or are printed differently to how the information is stored. It is better to get the actual file data and translate it at this point, then when you have a complete journal file you can search more data, it also eliminates the need for Data Capture box's and expensive wiring....and with a lot of registers looking towards wireless or networked or USB printing it is going to become redundant. A lot of times people install the box onto the 232 port which may have data coming out of it, but probably also some voltage to drive the small customer line display, this can destroy the data capture box and can be a fire hazzard, be carefull because not every POS machine has a standard 232 output, the pins ma be in different order or not even used.
  7. cctv_down_under

    Ip PTZ

    And you may want to power the PTZ locally, so perhaps a power point location.
  8. cctv_down_under

    Exview Camera Help

    There are some good points in there..but be wary how the specs read...if you could post the specs we could check, people cheat al the time,by making readings with lower fstop than affordable and by reading only half video signal then making specs based ont hose results. Ensure you have an aespheric lens as this will give better light concentration to the camera and check for the mechanical filter, the best bet would be a manual setting for the gain or an ability to switch modes...not colour to BW but to be able to make the camera switch all of the settings via closed relay. IE some cameras have an alarm (for want of a better word) input that can then seicth from day mode to night mode, where sensitivty can then be cranked up. IE if you wired to your light switch for outside, you could make the camera change modes once it is off, it will up the gain and sensitivity for you. Lastly, keep in mind scene reflectance....in specifications a lot of people cheat with this as well, there is scene reflectance and reflectance at the source. If you play a basketball game on grass (the lawn variety...not smoking it) then the ball wont bounce well....A camera CCD relies on light bouncing to it or better stated..Reflecting to it, therefore your cement will reflect better than the grass, light bounces of different objects at different levels depending on the material and probably more importantly the colour of the material. IE to cheat soem specs...firstly use a really low Fstop lens to get your results (no one would pay that much), then base the figures on half the video signal, distorting and making the results look better...then measure the light relectance at the scene and lastly..why not do the test in a completely white room. Good manufacturers will mention Ftsop, Scene Refelctance, Object Reflectance, IRE video strength and many other things in their specs. The best way to get low light performance and an accurate picture is to use an IR Corrected Aespheric low F Stop lens with a camera that supports IR Cut filtering and has a manual gain setting or a larger CCD there is a massive performance increase when going from 1/3rd Inch to 1/2 inch as there is more of a surface area for light to fall on. Exview is nice as it uses curved pixels on the CCD to make extra surface area, IE the more curves of the pixels the more gap in between them and more sensitive, it also uses a micro lens to concentrate the light even stronger. One of the biggest factors overlooked is the Tfactor of a lens...the FStop is just a measure, the Tfactor (Transmition factor) of a lens is its ability to transmit light...cheap glass and a lack of aespheric (by grinding...NOT MOULDING) grinding can result in abhorations in the glass, causing light to bounce in the wrong direction. A rule of thumb is that the more expensive a lens, the more light correcting elements it has, the lements are what make the expense as well as the machining process.
  9. cctv_down_under

    Does any one know this DVR? Pro's and Cons?

    Who makes it?
  10. cctv_down_under

    XP install advice

    I am sure I haev some old cards flotaing around if you want to arrange pick up....wont be anything flash
  11. cctv_down_under

    New Rack / Wall Mountable Solution for Flying Leads

    Great to see a good idea come to fruition, let us know how to order! Actually havea guy driving 2 hrs today to fix a damn fly lead
  12. cctv_down_under

    Too many camera choices, is there a good review site??

    You dont have to have a CCTV camera to test your DVR, just use your VCR output, TV output or Xbox to generate a signal
  13. cctv_down_under

    XP install advice

    where is that exactly?
  14. I would simply use a video intercom, plenty aroud that use more then one camera. Or you could use a video server, connected to the camera...get one with I/O inputs, you can then tell it to send and pop up video on your pc when the button is pressed at the gate. If you dont require a button, then simply wire your camera into your home television on one of the AV inputs, you can then use your remote to see who is at the gate.
  15. cctv_down_under

    Geovision Control Center Screenshots.

  16. cctv_down_under

    Geo 8.2 Problems or opinions

    Can someone PM me a link for 8.2 Thanks in advance guys
  17. cctv_down_under

    Image quality

    Yes, Definately, if using a DVR you are digitizing the video, but for live viewing some manufactorers offer a DSP that has little to no compression, so you do get some interlacing, but very minimal, however it will never look as good as an analogue signal of the same resolution. The key factor is also the screen, it depends of refresh rates, type of screen etc etc...every DVR is different, some have live display and some dont, also some of the compression chips crop and some dont, there are several video standards...and the compression cards need to cater for all markets so you will often see cropped and interlaced video so that the one chip can handle multiple standards. A lot of things affect image quality, you need to start at the begginging, IE the lighting, then into the camera, the cameras CCD ability and processing electronics, then the signal to noise ratio, then the quality of the cable can also affect it as well as the connectors, then the possibility of interference, and then the compressing DVR and lastly the display screen.
  18. Second funniest...I want to know what came first?
  19. cctv_down_under

    What to look for in a Geo POS compatible register

    You can simply test it.....put your demo dvr next to the register and run from 485 converter in the back of the DVR to the Serial on the output of the POS or to be sure the pirnter...you dont really need the data capture box for every standard. You can then test it on the dvr, or if you dont have demo DVr you can use a hyperterminal client to see how it outputs
  20. cctv_down_under

    Geovision questions.

    And from there you can then link the hardware motion into the I/O card and link to camera pop up mode, meaning motion detected will pop up a camera. There are plenty of sensor lights that you culd link to this motion sensor
  21. cctv_down_under

    geo data capture

    Pay for my flights from Ny to there and I'll do it LOL
  22. cctv_down_under

    March Networks DVR

    March Networks wont just sell to anyone, you have to go through their CSP process including training, the DVR's are the best build quality around, the software is certainly up there as well. They play in several large markets.
  23. Actually Rory they are more likely to bite through Coax...or more accurately ..into it, the little buggers like to sharpen their teeth on Copper. I had never been a big fan of passive baluns, but I can see the advantages, the biggest issue I see is that there is always the ris of clour skew...this is the rainbow effect seen at the edge of darker images in the picture, this is casued by the clour burst signal arriving at different intervals due to the termination length of the last twist...IE all terminated cables must have the same twist termination, cust at the same point and joined at the same point in the twist. I cant remember where I read it, but I remember reading soemthing about Cat5E and colour skew being an issue and that Cat5 plain was better for use with Baluns, but I can not understand why
  24. cctv_down_under

    Vegas anyone?

    Anyone going to ISC.....I am thinking of making the trip this time
  25. cctv_down_under

    Focus tools

    I am looking for the best service montior that money can buy...or a focus tool, I have heard of them but not sure how they work...my current set up is good but I need something that really allows a good focus at each camera...I am tired of wasting tech hours on..."no..back a bit...nope forward...nope back...nope just a little..stop there...no...too far" i hate the auto focus cams...so a good tool, would be great!