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Everything posted by cctv_down_under

  1. cctv_down_under

    OEM - Definition

    F*&$%#d up beyond all recognition.. Was in the military for a while FIGJAM anyone?
  2. cctv_down_under

    Instant Message

    I use ICQ, always on.. PM if you want the Number.. heard trillian is pretty good as it works with MSN and ICQ
  3. cctv_down_under

    moving on to dvr

    Rick, buy the GE or the Bosch Divar or Dedicated Micros standalone.. they are the easiest safest and most reliable, if your in UK I suggest DM in Europe Bosch and in US GE..simple as that man.
  4. cctv_down_under

    moving on to dvr

    look metz I agree about never done, hell if it did all mainboards could be toasters, but this is different, as you know MOST embedded true or not true systems have an upgrade facility this puts new code or changes the eeprom that stores the O/S (doesnt it) if this is interupted during an update, your dvr is about as usefull as a boat Anchor! I may be wrong, no electronics engineer but if it can be upgraded by remote menas it can be damaged if the data flow is interupted, i dont really want to point out the OBVIOUS way in which you can do it, as this is not really a good idea, but I am yet to see a standalone that can not be upgraded and if it can be then it can be destroyed. let me know if I am wrong.. I can Bear it
  5. cctv_down_under

    moving on to dvr

    Ask a simple question.... get a CCTV forum answer ignore it all man, simply put, if you liek to muck around with it, get a PC based, if you dont want to play with it and it will sit in a corner get a standalone!!
  6. cctv_down_under

    moving on to dvr

    You dont even need passwords, hell until recently all you had to do was go to INI file of geo and look for Password= xxxx sheesh, not rocket science, this is my point one day it will happen, so the more prepared we are the better, i ask my guys to get static I.P.s at home the Divar has a firewall built into it which is very bloody handy indeed.
  7. cctv_down_under

    moving on to dvr

    actually scott, it is my understanding that the PC's they use are actually embedded..and they are hardly connected to the net, like to see someone hack a space shuttle. I think thats a myth about PC's no one really knows man, coz you cant get onsite to see, if youve been inside a shuttle well..your luckier than me!
  8. cctv_down_under

    moving on to dvr

    Sorry not into bear's..love Beers just not bear's but hay whatever spins your wheels... Just kiddin.. Actually metz a failed firware update aint that hard to do, no code needed, nothing needed really I could simply scan port for DVR auto detect header, send email to company with Batch file attached, let them run batch file point to FTP site and download wrong flash.. not really hard at all. yes..who would bother.. well i think that might change some day, do you have any idea how many Axis cams are on the net, hell there is webpage listings of them, geo even has a No-IP type listing to them, who do you know that updates their DVR's really..no one patches a DVR.. i once went to site to try to work out why webcam would not work, took me ages to work it out, someone had patched and added windows firewall.. i was pissed as wasted my time, but also glad he had done it. would it please a manufactorer to have a virus that attacks his comptitors products?...hmmm me thinks so! I don't know if it will evr happen and yes its not likely..only from apathy not from difficulty of achieving the task... there is no benefit at this stage..well not yet so no one will do it...but there was no need for a lot of virus's that attack cell phones either...another solid state O/S. but they still did it... it will happen one day.. hell half ofd us lower security setttings to allow active X, why do you think the warning is there about doing this. Dont be fooled, if you have way out you have a way in, if it's designed to be changed it can be killed. but highly unlikely and I am the most paranoid man in the world.. kinda makes me good at my job though!
  9. cctv_down_under

    GEovision PC Reboot

    Actually I must have missed that, Scott is right, try to low level your drive if you can
  10. cctv_down_under

    moving on to dvr

    simply point the HTML file usually stored on HDD, to anything you want. Metz, you know how to upgrade standalones, tell me why anyone cant just upgrade remotely through back door and then stop the transfer..leaving your eeprom thinking it is a toaster instead of a DVR? I honestly believe you should have to dongle up to do an upgrade.. only safe way but real pain in the but, burn the prom so it cant be changed at all..otherwise yep you can kill a standalone, actually seen someone accidently do it, bet Rory has with the power problems over there, same goes for cameras.. some now. specially I.P. cams can upgrade through network for instance ours can use remote software to upgrade, not even hard to do small batch file to do this and stop half way. Just because it is hard electronics does not mean it is less fallable, only means less likely to be attacked, because lets face it, takes bugger all to do. One thing you might want to note.. some standalones allow the feature to auto detect them on a network...not a real good idea if a certain threat wants to know where your device is.. I ALWAYS turn this off, if you dont know what I.P. your using you should not be using it... and before everyone says "but a firewall" firewalls are only as good as the people who bring in CD's etc from home. Wouldnt it be interesting to havea virus that polled the ports looking for Geo systems world wide, me bets there would not be many that are firewalled to prevent outside access, lots to be said for a VPN these days. Yes I know I am paranoid, but lets face it, these things are being used in Defence Instalations etc and it would not take much to a do a batch file. Regards, GC
  11. cctv_down_under

    GEovision PC Reboot

    try a different power supply, and remove the PCI cards, were you using a UPS? check all bulky capacitors for leaks or pointy tops, smell the connector on the mainboard and see if it stinks of burning. My bets is power supply is fuckoed
  12. cctv_down_under

    Geo Vision GV800 web server close error

    Just because you have port 80 open and forwarded does not mean it will work.. you need other ports to transport the passwords etc. Also make sure you havea camera in camera 1 position and you have permisions not denying you wen access.
  13. cctv_down_under

    moving on to dvr

    Any Dvr that has the ability to Webcast a HTML page supporting activex controls can have a virus, if you can flash upgrade your DVR then it can be killed, if you use serial to connect and flash upgrade then you can use Dos on most to do the same. The page that is cast out has to be loaded in, hence you can update all previous versions to webcasters, well what is the diff if it is done through the net. I admit the chances of someone writing an exploit flashing an OS killing halfway through flash are highly unlikey like 1 in a Million but it is possible..if ya dont beleive me give me an direct connection to a DVR that is simply not protected in any way and I can turn it into a toaster.. like i said it is sooooo unlikely but it is very possible, you can still do things to the webcasting page held on the machine with great ease. I agree its a pretty mood point, however it is indeed possible to do!
  14. cctv_down_under

    GEovision PC Reboot

    That speed is what your ram can handle, is it one stick or two, are they the same brand and type? what bus have you set the Bios to.. you change speeds in the Bios, dependant of what Motherboard you have and it's supported speeds. To test ram, boot to Dos and use a program like "Mem Test" you could try a windows based stress test program or even if your really lasy..just use something like 3d Mark, it is not as specific but will really load your PC UP. Mem Test is around almost everywhere, let me know if you get stuck and i will email you my copy with auto boot and a few utils built in.. it fits on a floppy disk so not big. Never use Bottom or top slot..I know things have changed somewhat and Thomas will know more than I on the new boards, but older boards used to share AGP slot with top PCI Slot (share the IRQ that is) bottom one is also sometimes shared with IRQ...just put more fans in and place the card in middle slot. To me it looks like ram... one thing to check though... try tking card out and doing the windows thing, if it stops rebooting its prolly an IRQ issue, never have card in when installing windows especially if you change slots later... my advice is format.. redoing windows leads to many many errors.. I know no one will believe me but after doing several windows repairs I noticed some really weird things, files missing..whole networking portocols gone etc.. do it from scrath and for goodness sake make sure your recording to a seperate drive than the C: drive or you will kill the swap file and cause a reboot. My main thought is the ram, simple to stress it so should be first test.. stress may not find everything though.. try Corsair it si pretty fine ram, stick to twin x not value select.
  15. cctv_down_under

    VGA for geovision reccomendation

    Must be supporting electronics then Thomas, name brands always overclocked better back in my day and i always got better scores of REAL radeons and not clones with same chip. The main factor that they handled the overclock better was my driving reason but that may just be better tolerances of supporting electronics, mind you all CPU's are made to be faster than what they are, they simply wind them up unitl they begin to become unstable then wind them back down to the best stable position and a bit lower, then they can determine if it is say a 2.2 or 2.4 chip dpending on how lucky they got with the testing. I assumed the same of Radeon chips, I mean why would you want competition to have same quality.. Brings back fond memories of me getting the techies to bench all the CPU's we had in stock by overclocking till I found ne that really wound up high then I would buy that one and take it home LOL
  16. cctv_down_under

    Seculab Dvr's

    All I can tell you is there was one company here by that name designing their own software.. it was SOOOOO cheap I am talking Ebay Cheap... The only guys designing here and the main dude left! Like I said may not be the same company
  17. cctv_down_under

    Seculab Dvr's

    May not be same compnay, but we have guys over here by that name, who developed a ordinary software package for standard cards, seem to have died off when lead programmer left...he emailed looking for work. Great idea but bad resources.. i cant confim it is the same company!
  18. cctv_down_under

    moving on to dvr

    . I sadly do not agree with this statement at all, simple fact is..way out=way in..you want active X you take the risk!! Thats whya good firewall is always needed. Agreed that it is less unlikely but hardly impossible. As for 1/2 and 1/3rd I agree with both, think of 1/2' and 1/3rd" and think of them holding grains of sand..sand = light more sand= more light, no matter the range IE does make a differnce in IR lighting, another thing is that curvature of pixels means less gaps, therefore less chance of non picked up light, with 1/2" gaps are larger, more of the curved pixel can recive light, therefore more sensitive, couple this with 15bit and you see a major difference.. even though a 1/2" can see lower light levels, the cam has to sort this info so needs bigger data path.. prolly why Rory did not see a difference, certainly noticeable on the new XF Day Night, keep in mind too T Factor is increased due to larger surface area for misdirected light and better chnac eof avoiding edge abhorations in the glass. Simple point is..17" monitors are cheap...why..mass produced but larger is much more expensive because it isn't mass produced and I have to agree with Rory, on most other cams you dont see the money's worth of difference unless in B/W or an XF 15bit cam.
  19. cctv_down_under

    who has the best in audio/video remote view dvrs?

    Truth is many do it now.. truth sadly is..most havea latency effect or poor quality to keep lipsync.. if you need lipsync, then you need something that will stream MPEG2, the difference is that MPEG2 encodes Audio with Video in the same stream, hence no Lipsync probs... VCS is good for this and some high end network cams!
  20. cctv_down_under


    yeh sunnell or sumit, cant remember, bit of a joke here, oh well good things are always copied... want a rolex anyone?
  21. cctv_down_under

    how to catch a child molester. Anyone?

    Hold a 44 to his head and ask him!!! just kiddin.. i have dealt with this... NO MOTHER would allow her child to be bait...NO MOTHER, she probably wants the video for something else...jealus of a GF perhaps... id be carefull with this one..and if it works out she speaks the truth, let me know and i'll come cut the sick bastards balls off!
  22. cctv_down_under

    Need some advice please

    I only have one, but leave top off and swap drives LOL, if Thomas knows of a way to have both on one cable and a switch id be interested, suppose I could only power one at a time and loop out, but easier just to swap em!
  23. cctv_down_under


    Camera shape... and saying Bosch is made in China! LOL