Hi all, i have a customer with the following equipment:
1) a computer with OS Windows Xp
2)Geovison card 600-4 V3.0
3)GV-600 software system but with this message 'trial /geovision-8F18B8' and there are a lot of options in the configure button the i can't choose there are also grey.
The problem starts when i setup the webcam server i try to access it via google chrome and it appears me a box ask me for ID and password.i try the password and the id but it gives me an error Access denied invalid password.even though i programming the GV-600 with no authentication remote password it still keeps asking me for ID and PAssword and get the same error again.Now when i try to access the server via Internet Explorer it appears me the box which asking me to choose compresion select as the guide says.I choose Mpeg4 and submit button and when the next screen comes i see the Internet connection options but there all grey and can't choose nothing.I made the correct fixes with the ActicveX in the internet security settings.Does anybody knows how can i come off of this problem?Also there are some questions that i have:
a)First of all is this a trial version i have?If yes do i have to download an upgrade in order to work the remote access thing?
b)Secondly my customers wants to see it via his Android smartphone but is there a solution because it's an old hardware and software version..
c)Also, i read somewhere that i can access the webcam server only via Internet Explorer.Is this true?
d)Finally, if it needs an upgrade which version do i have to download?According to a manual,since i have a usb dongle, i can reach up toV7.0.5.0, but there is another pdf also from geovision called compatibilitychart which says according to my hardware version which is card 600-4 V3.0 i can reach up to v6.05 software version.well what should i do??
Thanks in advance