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Everything posted by gamboss

  1. Hi there, I'm trying to set up a Sunluxy CCTV system and the instructions are very very poor. The only part I am confused about is how to get my system to talk to my modem/router so I can view my CCTV remotely. I have several questions and anyone out there who can help, THANK YOU!!! 1. Do I connect the ethernet cable from the CCTV system to the WAN or the LAN on the modem/router? 2. My CCTV has several fields that need to be filled in on the "Network Setup" screen (I have attached a screen shot of this) and am wondering what info do I put into each field. I have several sub-questions here: a. Is the IP address field the IP address of the CCTV system? b. What is the Gateway? Is this my computer's IP address? c. Subnet mask? MAC address? Preferred DNS? Confused about all of these d. I understand the ports but have a question about that below. 3. I have logged into my modem/router by using as I use a netgear modem. I have tried to add these ports (Web port 80 and Dataport 8880) however what IP address do I put in, is it the IP address of the CCTV system? If anyone out there can help, I would be ever so grateful. Alternatively, if anyone can recommend an IT guy/girl who can come to my home and offer a service to get this thing working, I'd be happy to pay. Thank you
  2. Thank you so much, I'll give this a go and see what I can do. REALLY REALLY appreciate you taking the time to respond to my request. Enjoy your week