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Dâniel Fraga

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Everything posted by Dâniel Fraga

  1. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    The problem is I promised my vendor to not share it. I'll ask my vendor for it (I just asked because it could be faster here). Ps: If I could, I'd never use those official firmware. I wish we could have alternative firmwares like we have for routers, open source (like "Open Ip cam" is trying to do). It'd solve everyone's problems.
  2. Hi everyone! Yes, with lower resolution the problem is "solved".
  3. The Dahua HFW3200S camera shows artifacts when using the maximum resolution of 1080p@30fps. This seems to be caused by "sonia" and "VideoDaemon" binaries which are resource hungry and cause high load in the camera. See the video below. Firmware used: 20130726 It seems the software used in Dahua is very bad written. The workaround is to use a lower resolution.
  4. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    Has somebody got the 20130911 firmware?
  5. Does somebody here uses Dahua HFW3200S recording to FTP at 1080p? It seems this camera cannot do it without artifacts. I'm using the latest firmware (20130726). A workaround is to reduce the resolution, but I want to record it at 1080p (otherwise I wouldn't buy it .
  6. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    The latest Dahua firmware is 20130726? Or there is a newer one? Thanks.
  7. I noticed my Dahua HFW2100 is recording motion events too fast (like it is fast-forwarding, at speed higher than normal) in the first seconds of the video recording. After it goes back to normal. Could it be related to CBR/VBR, bitrate, fps settings? What settings do you use for best recording (without the recording going to fast or too slow)? Thanks. Ps: using the latest firmware (I suppose): 2.100.0001.0.R, build : 2012-10-31
  8. Yes, much better. RTSP is the correct protocol for streaming in this case. TCP is awful. Avoid TCP.
  9. I use RTSP Dahua support in IP Cam Viewer. Have you tried it?
  10. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    it is a ProFTPD server Check the AllowOverwrite directive. It must be outside the directory you're writing to. Just add: AllowOverwrite on to the end of proftpd.conf and it should work. I faced the same problem with Proftpd from DD-Wrt.
  11. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    Are you usind DD-Wrt's FTP server?
  12. I have the same camera and I can confirm this problem. No attachment at all.
  13. With the latest 20130313 and 20130517 firmwares, Dahua cameras don't record to FTP anymore because of a bug with these firmwares. The solution is to downgrade to 20121031 (at least for HFW2100). Other users confirmed there's this FTP bug. For example, MaxIcon confirmed this bug exist: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=33328&p=227304&hilit=dahua+firmware#p227304 I emailed overseas@dahuatech.com and they replied asking from where I am and after that they forwarded to a Dahua engineer, but he was unable to reproduce the problem. So they can't fix it because they can't reproduce the bug... If you use Dahua and depends on FTP, could you please send e-mail to overseas@dahuatech.com asking them about this bug? Maybe they could test more. This bug was introduced in newer firmwares. Thanks. Ps: I can't wait for the day we could have open source firmwares so we don't depend anymore on these horrible support (http://www.openipcam.com/).
  14. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    Hi, I still didn't try it because I don't have the values set to zero. Here it's what I get: "Region":[4194240,4194272,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303,4194303]}] The suggestion said to change this to 4294967295, but he uses a 3200S instead of a 2100 model. I'm talking to him at the other forum to try it in a safe way. Thanks.
  15. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    The newest firmware is 20130517, but use this just if you don't need FTP recording (it has a bug). If you need FTP recording, download the 20121031 firmware.
  16. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    Please send e-mail complaining about it to overseas@dahuatech.com or send it directly to Dahua engineers so they can fix it (I tried, but they said they couldn't detect the bug): qian_hongming@dahuatech.com alvin.dahua@gmail.com yang_zhongyu@dahuatech.com yu_jian1@dahuatech.com
  17. Does this Hikvision model supports a second stream with a lower resolution? What are the lower resolutions?
  18. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    Oh thanks! I replied based on your another reply. Very nice feature indeed! Unfortunately this will be available just to cameras with sd card slot. For models without sd card, we have to use FTP (which doesn't work ). The 20130517 is really the latest one? Well, I hope they release a new firmware correcting the FTP recording.
  19. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    He was referring to Hikvision, not Dahua.
  20. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    Hi! Yes, I tried many times to report this issue on their site, but never received an answer. I think this is the last time I buy a Dahua camera, since as you said, Hikvision is much better.
  21. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    Thanks for answering. Yes, that's the bug. These new firmware just save zero-byte file. No recording at all It started when Dahua changed the code to detect motion (before we could select squares a nd now there's flexible rectangles). And what's really bad is that there's no channel with Dahua so somebody can report this bug Very sad.
  22. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    Do you or somebody uses FTP recording? If so, it works with the 2013-05-17 firmware?
  23. Dâniel Fraga

    Dahua firmware

    Try to find in this forum. I remember I saw it in some topic, but I don't remember where. Thanks for confirming the bug. Dahua lost another chance to fix this.
  24. I got the new Dahua HFW2100 firmware (2.210.0000.0.R, build : 2013-03-13) from my re-seller and I upgraded it succesfully. It has new options (https login, better picture controls, a much improved motion detection area settings etc). The problem is: it isn't recording anything to the FTP. I already tried to reset to default settings and reconfigure the settings again, without success. Everything is correctly configured in Event and Storage menus. With previous firmware (2012/10) everything works fine. Is anybody using the same firmware and noticed the same FTP recording issue? Thank you. Ps: please don't ask for the firmware since I can't redistribute it (it contains dealer code buitin and the dealer could lose the reseller's license if it is distributed so ask your own reseller if you want it).
  25. I tried the new firmware 20130517 and this bug is still present. Can someone confirm or deny this?