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  1. Hi, I have a little problem with the DVR in my company, it's a pc based dvr, for what I've researched, the card looks like a WDT 2016, it uses MagicRadar Software and remote client connections are made through port 8013. When I started working on this company, the system was already installed, it has been used for about 3 or 4 years (it's kind of old, I know) and the boss told me that he was able to watch the cameras from home before, but then they had some sort of problems (he didn't know what) but after that he wasn't able to see the cameras from home anymore. I read documentations (which weren't available at the company, so I had to look for it on the Internet), and I configured the whole thing, static IP's for the computer with the DVR, disabled DHCP from the router, open ports 80 and 8013 in the firewall, forward this port's connections to the right computer, and I even tested it on the network, and any other computer on it can see the cameras through IE remote viewing. Remote viewing through the client application is available, but because it's an old DVR card, you need an ATI compatible video card in order to look at it correctly. So after all these explanations, I still have these problems with it: 1.- I cannot see the cameras remotely though IE outside my LAN (over the Internet). The page is displayed, with the correct IP, I can ping the computer on both port 80 and 8013, but I know you have to install an ActiveX component, which inside the network, was installed perfectly, but over the Internet, there's no prompt for installin it (the yellow bar at the top of the page is not even shown). So it's not a problem of just enabling 'download unsigned ActiveX controls' in security, but I've enabled that option, I've also add my IP to trusted sites by unchecking the 'secure server' check, and I've enabled all other ActiveX types and options and even deactivated the firewall all computers and nothing works. 2.- My boss managed to look at the cameras with the client for like a week and then he just looked at some sort of static (when you don't have an ATI card) ... I think that's highly unlikely, since I belive that things either work or don't work, they just don't work some time and then they don't, so I think he's not telling me the truth, but ... eh. So, what can I do? should I upgrade software? I have, I think version 1.2 or something, I can't remember, but I can't find a place to upgrade, please, any help would be appeciated, and excuse me for this looooong post. Thanks