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Everything posted by gyrokiller

  1. I bought VideoSecu Built-in SONY Effio CCD 700TVL Zoom Infrared Security Camera Day Night Vision Outdoor Wide Dynamic Range WDR Surveillance Camera DSP 9-22mm Lens for CCTV DVR Home Surveillance System with Power Supply, Security Camera Bracket and bonus Warning Sticker WE4. I got them on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001IFELSI/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1#productDescription They work great at my house. I got them for a friends company and we mounted them on a barn pretty high up and they can't see much at night. I need to fix this what can I do to make this work better. Any suggestions I can buy from amazon? Or whats a good camera that will work good high up and in complete darkness? Thanks Steve.
  2. I bought a Dedicated Micros D4e 40GB CCTV off Ebay awhile ago. It took me months and months to get the right power cord to use it. I have tried to get a Manual for it for months now and have had no luck so I am turning to you. Anyone know where I can download one or get one from and also if you know anything about the DVR, How do I get it online so I can view my cameras from remote?
  3. what would you recommend for a good DVR? I only have 2 cameras at the moment and I wouldn't like to spend more that 100 if I don't need I lost enough on this DVR
  4. gyrokiller

    I bought SONY Effio CCD 700TVL and I need help

    I found a few like the one you suggested, They don't have the ft I'm looking for. I would like to get as much range as possible. He isn't concerned about being stealthy . What do you think about this I found http://www.amazon.com/CMVision-IR200-Outdoor-400-500ft-Illuminator-Adapter/dp/B004V9Z7ZY/ref=pd_sim_p_1
  5. I recently just bought Zmodo 8 Channel Security CCTV Surveillance DVR System With 1TB Hard Drive Pre-installed off amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0095EIONM/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. I can't figure out how exactly how to set it so I can watch the cameras online and on my phone. Can anyone help? Steve