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Everything posted by 0081

  1. I ordered a cheap DVR of ebay about 2 years ago and it has worked quite well over the years but I'm now looking at adding some more cameras and was wondering even if I spend a bit more and get a half decent camera will the better quality be shown on the DVR or is the DVR the limiting factor.?? I do know you get what you pay for but this system works very well for what I need and cant see the need to upgrade the whole system at this point. I would rather get a camera(s) that I could use in the future if the need to upgrade arises. Peter
  2. You don't happen to have a few screen shots of the 800TVL do you ?? would like to see what they can do. I have the ability to add 4 more cameras so im keen to keep the system I have now as it will handle 8 cameras.
  3. 0081

    Remote access help

    Yeah that's the login page and I did try the noip domain with port 87. I think my USB modem might be the cause so ill try it from another location and see what happens.
  4. Hi Everyone, I'm having some trouble getting access to my DVR when outside my home network. I have tried the port forwarding with no luck and also tried to setup the DMZ mode which also didn't work. I'm no IT expert so if anyone has had experience with netComm routers can i please have some help Router NetComm NB16WV-02 The DVR is on port 87 I had some issues with my old router which but got it working in the end with the DMZ settings but it failed and im not too sure with the new one as its a bit different. It has port forwarding and port triggering, not too sure what the difference is. Peter
  5. 0081

    Remote access help

    Had another go just now and I'm able to get to the login page from outside my network but I cant login to the DVR. I get the same login failed response coming up when I had the wrong port number. what do I need to put into this screen, apart from my user name and password. I have tried on port 90 and 87 but it just fails I also tried my noip domain name and it doesn't work wither.
  6. 0081

    Remote access help

    It worked when I had the noip address set to go straight to port 87 but when I removed the port 87 and just had it going to my public ip address it then stoped working. Tired the port 87 and http but it still didnt want to work. Ill have another look today ir was starting to get a bit late last night.
  7. 0081

    Remote access help

    Yeah I had tried the :87 and it didnt work either. As far as I can see the router will do the update.
  8. 0081

    Remote access help

    ok so now my phone will work but how do I get the web IE to head to port 87? I have the phone app set to mydvr.no-ip.biz (not my actual noip name) port 8888 this works but if I type in mydrv.no-ip.biz into IE it comes up page not found so im guessing that I need to point it to port 87 so how does that work?? Pete
  9. 0081

    Remote access help

    My router has noip and I have set it to update. But when I set the noip it wont let me not fill in a port unless I set it to a DNS host A so it that the one that's needed??
  10. 0081

    Remote access help

    OK got it sorted had the wrong port number, I had 87 but it needed to be 90. I have also setup a DDNS at noip.com and it is working on my laptop fine but I don't know how to set it up for my phone. I'm using my eye pro app on my phone and my question is I have setup noip as port 87 for the DVR but the mobile port is 8888 what happens here?? I created a new noip address and set the port to 8888 but it didn't work this is how I set it up Is it possible to have the app look at the noip address Thanks for the help so far Pete
  11. 0081

    Remote access help

    Well its kinda working now. I can see it on my phone using 3G and i can access the dvr but when i login on my laptop it keeps coming up as failed to connect even when i try and access it on my home network does this screen look like im doing it correct??? Its kinda like my user name and pass word is incorrect.
  12. 0081

    Remote access help

    Thanks ssnapier, Ill give it a go when i get home and let you know how it goes, i have a usb modem so i can check it that way.. As for my public ip what do you mean with that. I know is not a static one and it will change but once i have it working i will look into DDNS. To access the DVR i will type in my public ip then the port number yeah like 123.456.78.901:87 yeah?? Pete
  13. 0081

    Remote access help

    I have posted the DVR and the router pics, the router has no forwarding as last time i tried i had to reset it and lost all the data. What other pics do you need of the router ?? Yeah i have no issues viewing it internally through IE but Google chrome wont access it. had this issue with the old router also. I could access it remotely on this laptop on the old router just not with the new router.
  14. 0081

    Remote access help

    I have had a read through that site in the past but still had no luck, even looked on you tube but still cant get it to work. I dont know what im doing wrong unless I need to foward more than one port. Also had a friend look at it but he is more into coding than networking and he didnt have any luck either. I know this is likely asked all the time but I just cant get it to work, spent so much time on it now its not funny
  15. can someone explain what this all means •Image Sensor: 1/2.5" IR-CUT CMOS Sensor •TV System: PAL/NTSC(Can only choose one of them) •Effective Pixels: PAL 792(H)X698(V) NTSC 768(H)X494(V) •Lens: Built in 6mm Lens (3.6mm and 6mm Option) •Horizontal Resolution: 1000TVL •Infrared LED number: 36pcs LED (0.5mm) •Minimum Illumination: 1.0Lux F=1.2 (0Lux with IR on) •S/N ratio: ≥48dB •Video Output: 1.0Vp-p.75. BNC Connector •AGC: Auto •White Balance: Auto •Backlight Compensation: Auto •Exposure Mode: EE •Electronic Shutter: 1/50(1/60) - 1/100000 sec Have been reading on here a bit but its still all a bit over my head, does this sound/look like a good camera thanks
  16. OK thanks for all that info, I'm really looking for a camera what will perform quite well during the day mostly as there have been a huge rise of dog theft in my area and they are being used as bait dogs. People are coming to your house while your at work to see what dogs you have then marking your house with a small paint dot or sticking some rubbish in your fence and then someone is coming back later to steel the dogs. I only have a cheap system (ebay special) that I just for general use but with the rise in dog theft im unsure weather to upgrade the whole thing or just get some new cameras. the system can handle 8 cameras and I only have 4 cheap ones that came with the system. What you guys recomond?? I don't want to spend $400 on a new DVR setup then another $100 - $150 on each camera. If I can just keep the cameras I have and use them in general areas then have 1 or 2 good cameras in the main access areas I think that would be ok. does anyone have a link to some recommended cameras Pete
  17. Just wondering if anyone can give me some advice on some cameras im looking at. I have a no name cheap cctv system i picked up just over a year ago, it came with some poor quality cameras but i didnt need anything to flash as it was only to see of one or two people where coming to my houes while i was at work. now im looking at adding some camears again dont need anything to special but somthing like this is what im looking at http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/380592680739?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 This is what i believe came in my kit http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/400354444332?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 keen to know what you guys think of the first one or is there a better one for that kind of money, would realy like one where you cant see the red glow at night but at the end of the day its not a deal breaker. Thanks for any input..