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Everything posted by zikronix

  1. My problem is I would power these cams with a server class xeon on a super micor 1u Rackmount system and a cisco 3550 providing the poe (i suppose I could use a crapgear fanless switch but MEH)...It would be great. but it would also be way noisy!
  2. i remember seeing some where in the nvr it could be switched to onvif but for some reason i cant find it now
  3. yes they will work with blue iris. im not experienced with it...maybe Q2U or one of the other guys who use it can chime in. you also may want to check the cam-it forums
  4. Those are cool...but very spendy
  5. If you wish to send me one I will gladly test it and send it back.
  6. Alarm inputs, serial port, ram, processor, and case size (lorex will fit a 19" rack swann wont). The cameras login is the default password which does not match what ever the telnet password is
  7. You can grab the latest swann firmware from their site. I can try to console in, If I had a usb to serial converter. I don't have a Linux box around to look at the lorex HD
  8. Yes they both have the ability for a second harddrive. Additionally the switch appears to be the same as well. I can telnet into the box but im greeted with a password that is different than any of the defaults. so I am unable to run the commands.
  9. Cmon now...I added some info about the processor and ram
  10. Yea i knew about wdr and the fps just thought i would toss that info in there. The nvr only allows a setting of 6122 max bit rate. I know i can modify the cameras directly and and put it in there. I think their pc software will also let me put it in there
  11. Douche bags.Thats all i deal with...do you have a link to said item...Oh and i like how he has to hold his pants up!
  12. Constant @ 3072 vs 6122 like it should have been WDR was enabled on the camera, and it was set to 30FPS
  13. They will replace it just call them and tell them you have a camera with a right side that's blurry. There is no software fix for it
  14. I'm sure the cameras off load some of the work. They are betting on that all 8 cameras are not going to all fire at once I'm sure
  15. Ill try adjusting the camera...ill look at replacing the one flood with halogens
  16. I have a flood that I can adjust that might help that area at the rear of the drive way...I cant chop the tree down, I already thinned it out. There really isnt a better position for that particular camera. I might be able to adjust the flood to where it doesnt bounce off the tree, maybe i can light from above higher up on the peak. With the lighting, the floods are tied into existing circuits. On the first circuit I have porch light and two double floods the second garage "pillar" lights and two double floods. I could move to a 300W halogen, but there are other things on that circuit that im un aware of. so im unsure if i could do that or not. I live in an HOA and i cleared this with my neighbors but never the hoa. I cant blind people passing the house, so i gotta keep the bleed from the street. I think if i make sure the shutter is at 1/30 and tweak the lights and cameras then maybe that would help. Ill move the one camera thats focused on the side of the truck closer to the street. The problem I see with that is then I loose what little bit of that window I have and any vehicle that is parked in that location Im not really in the position to spend 4k or more on a camera system. I want to find some nice signs like the alarm companies use that say this area is under video, to deter them
  17. I posted it on reddit and here at the exact same time. The reddit thread dindt come though until way later. your picture was great. and the police have that which they said was a great shot...but every little bit helps.
  18. Have a link to the thread? I'm curious. Heres a link to the pics they did https://www.dropbox.com/sh/numjtaile1k3n7g/xVivp0FmuX and here were the threads
  19. I had the guys on reddit do some post processing and they came up with some great pics...they are still working the video. and im adjusting camera settings today
  20. he didn't...cause he went on to slash more tires
  21. Ill check that tomorrow. As far as aiming more at the sidewalk is then i dont capture the part of the front window. I can definitly move it though. I want to try to tweak these things to get the best quality. My flood lights are a double edged sword. they light up everything but then the camera is grainy because of the low light condition. Rumor has it there is some smart ir tech for these cameras in an upcoming firmware....but idk
  22. Arizona yes...no idea what the shutter is...this is the swann nvr.. I adjusted the settings on the camera in regards to noise reduction. gonna play with it some more. what should the shutter speed be at? do you see this dick head run from down the street. 20 plus cars in our neighborhood. there were two dudes.
  23. So WDR isn't enabled or anything? Just asking cause they sure advertise like it is!
  24. It is the same settings as the Swann SWNHD-820CAM; same camera, same settings. No difference. Looks the same. Functions the same. Think IDENTICAL cameras. So WDR isn't enabled or anything?