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Everything posted by zikronix

  1. I vaguely remember the thread about this. Did lorex support have any ideas. Maybe a firmware update?
  2. So I went ahead and picked this up along with one vairfocal dome. I want all domes to be honest so im going to test this varifocal and order the ones I need and sell off what I don't need Its worth noting that I have been unable to find an hikvision 7716 series with 16 ports only 8. Its also worth noting the swann model number is NVR16-7200 My experience with swann has been outstanding, and Sure I can probably source this from OEM cheaper. but the support I have received has been more than worth it. Now I sound like a shill for swann. LOL
  3. even on the newer version, i had to work on the foam a bit, i believe it was still blocking some leds a bit, i actually took the foam, flipped it upside down, and squeezed the wider foam to fit by the IR leds. tested it and i had no ir leakage problems, so i'm happy, it was as easy as flipping the foam around. trimming it is easy, but is very hard to get it to look perfect, if you cared about it. That's cool...however based off a few peoples issues with support from lorex...(mainly joeyjoey) ive decided im going to keep with my swann.
  4. I really want to do that by the concerns I have are warranty, and the cameras currently have the weekday in chinese thing That nvr is the 7700 that i posted above correct?
  5. There have been two firmware releases for the swann NVR-7200 since release.
  6. could be the mechanical IR filter piece, and one could be the vairfocal. But that would require the nvr to support it. If there is an option in the web view to " enable it" the option might appear in the nvr
  7. Thanks that explains what I'm seeing on mine with no admin account existing. Hikvision sent me more codes to try, will try later tonight. If people are interested and want to work backwards and create codes, I can post them later on. I wish the NVR had a reset button like regular devices. I don't like relying on tech support. Working backwards wont be an option. Is sent you a PM of a discussion with maxicon regarding my issue above, when this happened to my swann. Swann teir 2 had to fix mine. And then he had to go in and specify how many ports it was beucase it resets the port count to 0 which is why you cant see anything. You shoud probably call lorex, I dont know if they have the ability to fix it, because lorex doesnt have firmware out there like swann does. maybe you can tell them he i rebooted it and this is what happened. and maybe their teir 2 can help...idk good luck
  8. the cctv cams dont fall under the 90day return policy.
  9. Actually I can speak for this and my experiences with the swann nvr. The code is a hash of the serial number and model number. For the swann, you have the swann pc nvr software installed, and you have to go through a reset admin password. Howver the admin account doesnt exist. With the PC NVR software you can see the long serial number piece. They copy that put it in a tool which gives a pass. Then they use the "reset" admin function of the pcnvr software which recreates the admin account I believe and then they do the reset again to reset the actual password. Some of the details are fuzzy but thats essentially that happens with the swann system ask dixit on this forum he went through the same thing also see my posts here viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37015 and here viewtopic.php?f=19&p=226417 I can only assume the lorex does the same thing. I tried contacting hik when i broke mine but there was nothing they could do. directed me back to swann.
  10. I believe this is the nvr family http://www.hikvision.com/en/products.asp?cid=270340
  11. Yes I did it, when that firmware was posted months ago. And that is exactly what happens. and only tier 2 can fix it. Shoot a PM to swann tech on this forum and ask about it. You have been warned!
  12. I meant to say "if" its a three axis. I edited my post to reflect that. I couldnt find the appropriate hikvision. The issue I have is that acti has cameras that are literally only 30.00-50 more and might be a better buy, granted they are not varifocal so one would have to take that into account. varifocal is a big deal and price difference, if it weren't varifocal i bet these swam cameras would be 300 bucks for a pair. I understand is a big difference. However, for those of us that it doesnt matter for. It might be a better buy to pick up a 3 axis, camera, fixed thats a true 3MP for a just a bit more. I dont need vari focal, so for me the acti d72, e72 are potentially a better buy. but one would have to compare and contrast which one is a better buy/image quality
  13. I meant to say "if" its a three axis. I edited my post to reflect that. I couldnt find the appropriate hikvision. The issue I have is that acti has cameras that are literally only 30.00-50 more and might be a better buy, granted they are not varifocal so one would have to take that into account.
  14. Does it have a microSD card slot? i can confirm a microSD slot, its there when i unscrewed the front piece to access focus / zoom What do you mean. As in they are the old style with the old foam ring yes old style I also just opened mine. I got the cameras with the black plastic...I thought some one said they wernt like that? Looks like its going back!
  15. What do you mean. As in they are the old style with the old foam ring
  16. You see that foam ring on those domes too? they have also updated the picture here http://www.hikvision.com/en/Products_show.asp?id=7330 Yep, I see the foam ring. Now I want to see what the camera sees. I ordered it, if it works out Ill keep it. I wanted domes anyway, I needed 4 domes and 4 bullets. I ordered the swann with four cameras when it was 899.99 then I ordered two packs of bullets for a total of 1600.00 not counting tax. I ordered the lorex with 6 cams for 1072 and when the domes come back I add two domes and Im saving a few hundred bux.
  17. Thats exactly what happens! Ask me how I know. They have to do recovery, and only the swaan tech can do it, and only teir 2! you can also PM swann tech here on the forums. Swann is 24/7 but they only do tier 2 call backs.
  18. You see that foam ring on those domes too? they have also updated the picture here http://www.hikvision.com/en/Products_show.asp?id=7330
  19. They do its on their ftp. And Swanns Domes are in the works. But Ive been seriously considering acti, sure it cost more money but I need more cameras as well, and we limited to 8 with this thing. Can someone forward me the link to their FTP please? I have been running their MARCH firmware release and not sure if they had released any new update. THANK YOU! http://swann.com/downloads/drivers/nvr8-7200/ Im going to warn you right now. DO NOT FLASH THAT WITH OUT CALLING SWANN FIRST. You will need to schedule a call with teir II support to have them call you back. Tell them you want to flash the firmware on their website for the nvr8-7200. You have been warned!
  20. They do its on their ftp. And Swanns Domes are in the works. But Ive been seriously considering acti, sure it cost more money but I need more cameras as well, and we limited to 8 with this thing.
  21. Those cameras and domes are different than the previous model. They have a foam ring around the lens, im assuming to stop ir light bleed I wanted domes in the first place, this might just make up for it. It might be time to take the swann back.
  22. Ive been looking at some acti cameras and Im having some trouble trying to figure out what camera is going to give me the most viewing angle and the best low light performance, based purely off of lens and sensor. The part im having trouble with is why the vairfocal which has a better lens seems to have a smaller viewing angle. Here are the contenders Fixed (Why is the horizontal angle more) E72 Fixed 2.93mm / F2.0 Horzontal 83.3 E82 Fixed 2.93mm / F2.0 Horzontal 85.7 Vairfocal E82 f2.8-12mm / F1.4 Horizontal 70.5-28.2 E86 f2.8-12mm / F1.4 Horizontal 70.5-28.8 The fstop on the varifocial should give me better low light perfomance, but the viewing angle is less than the fixed. I also want to know how these would compare to the viewing angle of the Swann/Lorex Domes and bullets I currently have.
  23. The softness is noise reduction working overtime. But before you pass total judgment, I installed the latest firmware upgrade which is new on all the cameras and we'll see tonight if it makes a difference. How did that turn out?
  24. Internal hardware wise the swann is a better system.