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  1. i do not have a iphone, but i guess all the smart phones are the same. in my android app , "meyepro" i think you can get the same name program for the iphone. what you need to type in..... device name url address mobile port user name password max channel the url address and the mobile port are the only ones that may need explaining.... unless you have a static ip address, you need to use a company like "dyndns" that will allways point to your ip address no matter what it is. the mobile port is the same port that you have open for the "DVR" i think that should cover it for you. Rdgs. Michael ps. have fun
  2. have you tried "admin" as the password.?
  3. if you did not change the password, it should be nothing...ie blank.. just hit OK Hope this helps Rdgs Michael
  4. hi all, just got my system to work online... YEAH!!! very happy. i found out what the port to use are.... it was starring me in the face the whole time. if you have a look at your fast installation manual that came with your system, you will find the port numbers you need to use. did i say i was very happy
  5. Hi there, i have a sunluxy dvr 4 ch. system am trying to set up so that i can see the camera on the internet. have configure the dvr to use my dyndns username, it is using the ports 91,15966 my router is port fordwarding to my dvr with the same ports. dvr takes the ip address of my dyndns. canuseeme.org says the ports timeout. i think this means that i am allmost there....but do not know where to go from here.... anyone who knows please help. many thanks Michael