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Posts posted by larry

  1. The forum software does not have that functionality now. I can look into getting it put in. But I also want to keep the registration process simple. Those items don't seem like they will slow registrations though, so I'll look for a mod that can handle that

  2. Welcome to the forum.


    I am not even an expert at this stuff but I can tell you that you are not going to find a good wireless ( day/night or not) system for 500-750 pounds (930-1400 USD).

    You might get a wired system using a stand alone, Nuvico 4 channel or similiar for around 800.00 USD plus 300.00 each camera.


    Use this thread for storage requirement estimates:


  3. If you want to go the PC route, you should probably look at Video Insight, GeoVision and AverMedia.


    Looking to spend in total about 6000 - 7000

    Is that price realistic for what i want?


    I have not done any cost comparisons lately but that price is more realistic than the people who want to do this for 1500 bucks. You will probably wind up in the 10000+ range though but that's just a guess. Good IR cost good money.


    A month worth of storage with 16 cameras? A lot of variables determine HD size. Such recording resolution, codec and fps. You would definately need to go with record on motion detection. Nevertheless with a PC, you'd need a pretty big drive(s) I would imagine.


    Most of what you are asking is here in this forum. I just have to condense and organize the frequently asked questions into the forum I created for them.


    Good Luck

  4. Hello and welcome to the forum.


    I know this does not answer all your questions but here is a link to a thread about that dvr http://www.cctvforum.com/about4763.html&highlight=nvjv4000


    As far as camera type goes, I would go with domes on the retail floor or resturant and box style behind the cash register facing the customer. Like you said, they - the customer - won't know where the dome is pointing and they WILL know that the box camera is on them. Depending on your lighting, if it is subdued, you might need a camera that switches to B/W. Guess it depends on what you want to capture.
