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Posts posted by larry


    Thank you for the clarification. I have no objection to a person being compensated for his advice or recommendations, provided that the recommendations are sound. Nevertheless, in fairness to the recipient of the recommendation, such compensation should be openly disclosed.


    Unfortunately, that would be an all out free-for-all of worthless responses because who would determine what is "sound".


    You want me to recommend another supplier... I can't, because I don't know who else sells the same unit. I couldn't even tell you the original Dahua model numbers. Like MANY OTHER users here, though, I can recommend this particular supplier because of outstanding service and support. Whether or not I see "compensation" is irrelevant though; numerous other users have tried to praise this supplier's service, and had those posts edited or removed as well. Seems no good deed goes unpunished.


    Other posts were edited in direct response to your actions and it sounds like you are still on the payroll. Your being compensated for recommending a specific brand and referring members to a specific retailer IS very relevant and I can't believe you don't realize that.


    Case in point: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=31392&p=196290&hilit=tenvis#p196290 - they also sent me a free camera for review, and would love nothing more than a glowing recommendation... but I can't give one, because the product falls short.


    They sent me a request too and I politely declined for obvious "integrity" reasons.


    That being said, I have always found Soundy's posts to be quite helpful and very informative. So I hope this situation gets resolved amicably, because I think we will all lose if Soundy stops being an active member of this forum.


    I agree, Soundy is very knowledgeable about this industry and as far as I am concerned this matter is over.

  2. There is a Dahua 3MP cam I've used that's "pretty good" with low light, that can be had for $500 with lens... don't know the Dahua part number offhand, I only know it under another unmentionable brand name...

    Unmentionable? Why? I'm not familiar with the "politics" of this industry.

    Not the industry, just this forum. See your PMs.


    What Soundy failed to mention is that he gets "compensated" by the site he referred you to. And, as a result of his dedication to his job(s), one of his employers is slowly being removed from this forum.


    I am more than willing to let this rest but apparently he wants to be all passive aggressive about it.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to voice your concerns.


    My observation from being here a while is that every day people sign up and ask for product recommendations. Let's face it, the CCTV market can be very overwhelming and confusing, even to professionals. With so little information out there that compare/review DVRs, manufacturers & resellers how is anyone supposed to consider a product or consider where to buy it? I thought part of the appeal of a forum like this was getting that sort of advice.


    Yes, one of the reasons this forum is here to help people consider what product to buy. What it sounds like you are saying is that you don't care whether it is an honest recommendation or a paid endorsement. I can certainly open this place up and let the retailer's battle it out in every post; but would you still want to be here once that happens? Would anyone, other than the retailers, really want to come here after that?


    With all the members here, how many usually respond to product recommendation posts? It's very few. Those that do will naturally recommend product they're familiar with &/or product they sell. There really aren't too many members who step up to the plate. Seems that those who do, if they do it too often, get viewed as self promoters.


    People here recommend all sorts of products and brands, CNB, Gadspot, Qsee, Geovision, Aver, Avigilon, Sony, Panasonic, Dahua... etc.

    Please do not confuse what happened in this thread with what is allowed to happen naturally everyday.


    I've made 2 purchases from Sean since I've been active on this forum for several reasons. 1 - to help a sponsor of the forum, 2 - because of all the great positive feedback he's received, and 3 - I'm a big supporter of the little guy.


    I have no issues with Sean and I am sure most of the positive feedback was genuine.


    I think future topics from people asking for help will be deathly quiet due to potential repercussions if the same opinions are posted too often.


    I don't think that will happen, but if it does, really nothing I can do about it. Moderating a forum is extremely difficult. Gotta make decisions that may piss people off. I get that - like I stated before, this was not an off-the-cuff decision. I think I did my due diligence on this.




    I am locking this thread because it went off-topic and I think everyone has had time to voice their concern. If not, start a thread under CCTV Forum.

  4. xellbuy, that question as not asked of you so why are you answering it?


    And, yeah..that site is blocked as well and anyone with any history here knows why. I have to honestly say that the overwhelming majority of people here participate because they truly like helping people.


    Unfortunately, a few people get tired of helping I guess and do things to get themselves and/or their sites banned. Most forums have to deal with this on a daily basis.

  5. I guess I lied about not responding to this thread anymore...


    Welcome to the discussion Sean. I have to admit though, you are way too late to be taken seriously by me. I made a very specific observation; no where in your response do you deny it. Nor has the other party spoken up either? Personally, if someone made an accusation like that about me, I would have responded much sooner.


    I dont know what your prejudice is about my site Larry. I can understand the comments of a few select people saying stuff like this because of the jealousy of our success, but coming from you, I just dont get it. I have paid you thousands of dollars in advertising but anytime anyone says something about my site, whether they are a re-seller or just a previous customer, you throw a fit about it.


    Thousands of dollars? It's not been thousands and this just goes to show that I can't be bought. I don't throw fits; much too old for that. I just don't like people who try to game the system.


    Well its because I ACTUALLY PARTICIPATE IN THE FORUM. If they want to be talked about more, then perhaps they need to go further then just posting a small link to the left of the page.


    Yes, you participate but mostly in threads that involve your products.


    Take a look at this post: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=31343&p=196066#p196066


    Here was an opportunity for you to give back but you failed. Instead of just giving the guy the url, you asked for his order number first? Just give a fellow forum member some information. And this was just an observation, it really has nothing to do with what I am alleging.


    And just so you know Sean, I personally have nothing against you or your company. I just think you made a play and it backfired; good business men do that. As far as I am concerned, it's over. If you, or any one else, wants to make me look like the bad guy here. I got no problem with that, I can handle it.

  6. I did not mean to wreck this thread so this is the last I am going to say about this - in this thread. If anyone wants to discuss this further, open a new thread under CCTVForum or PM me.


    I have been watching this for about 3-4 months and , yes, they are sales pitches. I wasn't completely sure before but I am 100% sure now.


    I am not upset about this at all. No one's going to be banned or anything like that. Nevertheless, retailers are not allowed to recommend their own products; even if it is done through third parties - period. This is not a new rule. So, Nelly's url and brand will be removed from this forum. I just have to find a way to do it without trashing the threads completely.

  7. After watching the video's of 700e and comparing them to the Dahua 2MP dome I am going with the Dahua but with lots of lights on.


    I went to the Logitech website and they have a forum for the alert cameras and most everybody hates the software that comes with the camera but rate the actual cameras as pretty good for the money... Seems choppy to me at 960 x 720 @15fps


    I have never used Dahua products but I do believe they are very good products for the price. So, I am glad you were able to come to a conclusion as to which direction you're going to go. That is what this forum is for.


    After reading a lot of posts around on this forum I have noticed that as well, I have also noticed that those cameras seem to give you the best bang for your buck just as Soundy said. Atleast he's not spreading mis-information and he is very helpful.


    So, what you are saying is that the fact that they are good products negates everything else?

  8. The same team that did wilife did alert, but alert is a very different product from wilife. Obviously I'm biased since I work on the product, but I've dissected a lot of competing products in my day and I'm comfortable saying for the price, our system is head and shoulders above anything else I've seen.


    Well, at least you admit you work for Logitech.


    This looks like a very expensive toy. Unless you want to be locked into Logitech's system, I'd stay far away. Take a look at the Dahua 2MP dome or 720p IR bullet if you want good, *compatible* HD cameras at a low cost.


    I don't think Soundy will admit he gets compensated for recommending Sean's/Nelly's products.

  9. norcaldad,


    I don't know who you sent a PM to but I never received it and neither you, nor anyone else, will ever be banned for speaking up and asking a legitimate question.


    Due to a resent trend in the posting of links and other information, some posts are edited to regain a sense of balance and maintain what should be an unbiased forum. So, what does that mean? Basically, I think some members drop links, and lay on glowing praise, for reasons other than they like the retailers' product or service.


    Now, that does mean some honest posts may be changed? Yeah it does, unfortunately, but I just can't sit back and let the forum get overrun.


    This forum will be 10 years old next year and it only has 184K posts. That is a good indicator of how moderated this place is.


    Now a note about banning: I rarely ban members who are not blatant spammers. I assume everyone here is an adult and knows how to act appropriately. If anyone disagrees with something, feel free to let me know about it. You can even throw in a choice word or two ( if you go that route you may want to do that via PM ), I don't get easily offended because at my age, I've heard every insult in multiple languages and also this is not a dictatorship; it's a forum.

  10. OK, let me look into that. I tested it on a IPod touch and it was working good. I will try another phone though.



    OK, You do use the # symbol, with the underscore under it, to jump to the next page. On the IPod when I touched it ( the # symbol ), the IPod brought up a box asking whether it should run Javascript. I touched yes, and it popped up a list with page numbers. Once I clicked yes, it did not ask again. I had to use the IPod again because I have a "dumb phone" that can't surf the web.


    The gear symbol has options under it too. So, make sure your phones can run Javascript because this style relies heavily on it.


    The "full version" link should be at the bottom of the page. If it is not there, there is a bug in the code somewhere.


    If that does not work, I will check the designers page for issues and possible fixes.
