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  1. Now that sounds perfect, so I can stick with the Avermedia remote console, and control the PTZ with a separate app. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion.
  2. CMS software is OK but refuses to run under anything other than 1024x768. I'm starting to get a bit hacked off with seemingly arbitrary limitations writen into the Avermedia software. Would I get more flexibility with Geovision?
  3. Thanks Sajaan, I'll have a look at the CMS software.
  4. Hi,we have our Avermedia NV3000's (latest software version) setup to allow remote control of the PTZ cameras through the web interface. Does anyone know if it is possible to operate the PTZ cameras through the remote console as we prefer it to the slightly clunky web interface. Am I missing something obvious?
  5. Thanks for your reply, the new version sounds good. I think I'm on at the moment. Will the upgrade which says to work for me? Regards Austin.
  6. I hate to reply to my own question but I found a solution. It is possible to set email interval to zero using regedit but this does is a little unstable, so one minute is what I'm using - much more useful than 3 minutes. It's also possible to force more than the maximum of three stills per email. I'm currently sending 16 stills per mail which provides so much more information.
  7. Hi Just got my NV3000 system working (AMD sempron 3000, VIA chipset). It's for monitoring a remote business premises - more for peace of mind than actually collecting evidence. I have email notification working, but the options seem a little limited. Email Interval has a minimum value of 3 minutes which I understand means that after detecting motion and sending an email it won't send another for at least three minutes. An awful lot can happen in 3 minutes, so is it possible to set this to something more like 10 seconds? Looking forward to any suggestions. Austin.