I have a dvr of unknown brand. When i placed a order for it about 2 years ago i put in hard drive , tested it to make sure it works.
Apparently any password it had that the manual stipulated worked at one time, but does not now. I dont know if I changed it and forgot it, but seems there should be some way to hard reset it manipulating the motherboard or something.
I went to set it up today and no password works.
2408sv is on a sticker at bottom
upc code reads 6904420120215
also across the top of the middle circuit board it says
VB9708 Ver:3.0C 3030440133 244-m4c2972A0
I took the cover off and found
on the botoom right of the circuit board.
the interface is this when hitting menu or right clicking.
the manual says the password should be 88888888 and this does not work.
I have no contact number in the book, or anything , seems like some generic dvr manual for 4/8/16 and says H.264 and thats it.
I have tried all the typical 123456 , 111111, 888888 and im litterally sitting here just going thru numbers trying to guess it, but is there anyway by lettering on motherboard to figure out what might be a master password?
Any help is appreciated.