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  1. Hi given it a try and can't seem to get it to work.This is what I've done. I went into the settings on my dvr and inputted the IP address of my virgin superhub(the one which I use to log into the hub) in the "gateway" bit.For the IP address itself i inputted the SAME numbers but changed the last number to 99.There isn't an option for STATIC but i left the dchp box unticked.Theres no media port option but there is a http port which I set to 80.Also the DNS box I ticked it and added the superhub address.Subnet mask i left at tcp port i left at 34567 and udp port 37778. on the superhub i logged in and enabled remote access on port 99 and it now states i can now access superhub from an address which begins with my INTERNET ip address and now ends in ":99/". I also went into advanced settings clicked on port forwarding and "added a rule" as follows port range 80 -99 and I've enabled this which shows the superhub IP address with 99 at the end instead of "1". on the meye app what address (of all I've listed above)do i put in and what "port" too because at the moment all its doing is "connecting-buffering-no response"
  2. Thanks I'll give this a try
  3. Hi I was hoping some of you kind gentlemen could help me here. I recently bought a CnM cctv kit with dvr and I've connected it to my virgin superhub with an ethernet cable but I cannot for the life of me figure out how I can remote view the cameras on the iphone.I don't know anything about "static ip addresses" etc so could someone PLEASE give me a simple step by step guide on how to do this. I'm a desperate single mother who needs your help. many thanks