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Everything posted by D&C_ELECTRONICS

  1. First of all, your DVR board is MagicRadar, Anykeeper or ony othe Chinese pirate board? If It is MagicRadar, be sure that you use ATI VGA and install DirectX 9
  2. Did you set the Video Signal Type (NTSC or PAL). If your Cameras are diferent system than the one you set up, You won't have color picture

    What DVR Board is this?

    It seems to be HIK Vison DVR with diferent GUI

    Magic Radar driver

    The earliest software that I got is I allready upload it on the same link Try It.

    Magic Radar driver

    Try to download the software from my web http://www.dc-electronics.net/magic/ I think you have to download the old version
  6. Does anybody have the DiViS DVR boarddevelopment KIT?

    My Geo

    The page cannot be displayed
  8. Digital Whachdog is Win4Net system. www.Win4Net.com
  9. I saw this software at IFSEC 2004 Birminham. What do you think about this? With MULTIEYE-HYBRID DVR Kits, economically priced, highly professional multi-channel digital video recorders based on a standard PC can be created. What previously has not been possible can now be easily realized with MULTIEYE-HYBRID: with its new technology up to 32 analog and network cameras (IP) can be combined and operated in a system as one will.
  10. The card & the software are OEM MagicRadar http://www.magicradar.com/ Check the specs of the cards with the Magiradar system, is the same thing

    MagicRadar vs AnyKeeper

    I talk yesterday with MagicRadar sales manager and he told me that they gone have new compression algorithm on the new version of their software (They gone release it on august). I have some sample MagicRadar DVR boards for testing and the quality of recorded images is much better than Chance-I DVR cards. Also the price is lower, even than Comart DVRs prices

    Vehicle CCTV system

    cesarg I use Giantec DVRs for 1 year. Believe me, the roads in Greece are terrible. I have intall about 40 DVRs to the security vehicles of USA base in Crete. For this 1 year the DVRs working perfect. I use Hitachi 20 GB mobile HDD and I never had any problem.
  13. A customer asks me for a DVR system that can record up 50FPS per camera. Actually they asked me for 1.Total number of cameras 400 (100 PTZ) and 50 points (cameras) that will have microphones 2.Minimum 15ips at 352x288, desired 50ips for some of the cameras 3.Log file for the users of the system 4.Click able map with all the cameras on a floor plan 5.Digital recording of all cameras and microphones for at least 20 days 6.They need 10 simultaneous viewing stations (live view, recorded view, sound) 7.Some recordings need high-speed recording for a couple of days and then an automated process that will save the recordings in lower frame rate 8.The compression must not be MPEG 9.RS232 interface to connect the matrix with the MICHON SW 10.The majority of fixed and PTZ cameras must not have AUTO IRIS and AUTO GAIN 11.The two sites are connected with 8X1 Gbit network of fiber optics 12.Approximate space needed 500 to 600 TB. but they prefer to buy the storage RAID locally Have you seen anything like that? Thanks
  14. Actually in Greece we use PAL system. This system is for the Olympics games, so I have Les than a month. This is just a FAX that I received. Tomorrow I will have more information’s about this project. I found in the following link a DVR system and they use the word IPS instead FPS, but I don’t know if the system can record 1 camera up to 50 IPS (FPS). Honeywell doesn’t have the user manual available for download. http://www.ademcovideo.com/pdf/HoneywellFusionSpec.pdf Another system that I have in my mind is Win4Net. I think that the system support event recording up to 50 FPS, but I’m not sure. Also Win4Net doesn’t have the user manual available for download. Tomorrow I will have more info about the project. Any other ideas?

    What is more popular in your area?

    In Greece Stand alone DVR's. People still afraid of PC's
  16. I don't know I-Chance cards but you should give DVR Expert a call, he gave me very good prices in Geo cards, almost the same that the ones I'm using with my DVR card, only araise the cost a little more for shipping from Australia to USA. But with so many extra features than Geo has I prefer to pay that extra cost. Well I have prices directly from Geovision. Another reason that I don't use Geo card, Greece is a small country, there are 3 distributors for Geo here, so it's better to sale a diferent product.
  17. I don't have use Geovision cards. They have many functions but the price is allmost double from Chance-i products.
  18. I saw the Leadek winfast pro DVR card in IFSEC 2004 at Birminham. Have anyone test that card? I 'm thinking to order sample cards firt of all to test it. What do you think?

    Lower End Stand Alone DVR

    Check out also AverMedia EB 1004 Good picture quality, but no Lan conection. Only USB2

    Vehicle CCTV system

    For vehicle DVR I use Giantec Tracer 3000, 4 ch or 8 ch. Very good picture quality. It is PC based (Celeron 650MHz) with Linux OS. Take a look at http://www.giantec.com.tw/

    Shuttle PCs for Geovision use

    First of all make sure that you have the Latest chipset & VGA drivers. Try to use ATI VGA. I haven't use Geo cards but I have use Chance-I card on Sis chipset PC with Ati VGA and it worked fine

    Damm people

    Yea but some of us aren't in the same timezone In Greece the time is 10:15am


    You can find Chance-i cards with diferend brand. http://www.pcsurveillance.net/ http://www.technovisioncctv.com http://www.onix.co.kr http://www.ntic.com.tw Same cards, diferent name

    MagicRadar vs AnyKeeper

    Probably is the same card If you go to magicradar webpage at History section http://www.magicradar.com/english/about/about2.asp you will see: 2001. 9 Launched PC-based DVR (Digital Video Recorder) AnyKeeper series. 2002. 1 Launched PC- based DVR (Digital Video Recorder) MagicRadar series.