I want to install HD CCTV camera in my restaurant.
Around 10 cameras per restaurant. I have three.
I called local CCTV companies for estimate, but all of them want to visit first.
I just want to approx price.
Do you guys know how much it will be?
Hello. I'm struggling about ports set up.
Basically, it is not able to duplicate port for each systems. So I can't use default ports for each.
I have 4 dvr systems, which are GV-1480 capture cards installed.
I changed DVR1's HTTP/command/data port to 2601/2602/2603 and DVR2's ports are 2701/2702/2703 like that. (default ports were 80/4550/5550)
Question is, I changed DVR1's default remote view log port 5552 to 2604, but I am not able to connect DVR1 through remote view log software.
(I did forwarding 2601~2610, but I see ports is not open. I checked on canyouseeme.org)
I want directly connect each system through remote view log software. What is the best solution for me?
Thanks and have a wonderful day.