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  1. BufordTJustice

    Need Help with Choice

    Hi All, I'm going to start saving my money for an HD IP camera system but it might take me a while before I have enough money to pull the trigger. In the meantime, i was going to buy something cheaper to get me by for possibly a year or so. I was leaning towards a Swann system but I need help with a few things. First, I was thinking a D1 DVR but I'm not sure what the most TVL's on the camera the DVR will handle. Would I benefit from 700tvl cameras on a D1 system or would the DVR not be able to handle those tvl's? Is there a big difference in D1 vs CIF? Can I use a CIF dvr with high tvl cameras? Just looking for some direction without breaking the bank. Like I said, this will be temporary. Thanks.
  2. BufordTJustice

    Cable for IP cameras

    Okay...Thanks Kawboy!
  3. BufordTJustice

    Cable for IP cameras

    I am planning on purchasing a hd-nvr with ip camera system. I have quite a bit of older cat5 cable that i was thinking of using for the cameras but now I'm wondering if that would be okay to use or would I need to upgrade and use at least cat5e or even cat6? Anyone know if cat5 cable will work with the ip cameras?