Hi guys, need a 8 camera security system that will give me the highest definition (or close to it) available in today's market. My budget is approx $2500. Can I get that with an all in one package system or do I need to put together components to get the most for my money? I think I understand some basic things about cctv systems but my eyes quickly start glazing over when I start hearing some of the real technical jargon which is why I'm leaning toward a system package. Anyway, if anyone has any recommendations on where I should start I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Things I have:
Lots of time and ability to follow directions.
Very limited electronics and video experience.
DSL service.
Things I need from my system:
Ability to "reliably" view images of decent quality over internet.
Great daytime image quality when viewing at home.
Acceptable night time image quality when viewing at home.