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  1. PZXN


    Thanks for the reply! It is from scratch. Since I have posted I did more research and found out about NVR's and how they work. I also put together a presentation to the owners showing the key differences between the anolog and IP. They are leaning towards IP due to the network already being in place and the higher resolution on the cameras. I think my next step is to find a NVR and start playing with them. I downloaded one from EZWatch, it is called "Evolution". I am not sure what to compare it too as far as quality or features. I looked through this thread: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=8629 but am still not sure which way to go. We are find spending money, we jsut want to make sure that it is scalable. We have to Dell PowerEdge 2900's that are empty and that we can use to run the NVR software once we find it.
  2. PZXN


    Hello everyone! The Vice President of the company I work for just walked into my office and said, "figure out a solution for the security cameras". After 3 days of looking on the web and getting inundated with information, I decided I needed to find a reputable forum to get peoples input. Hopefully as I learn more I can provide some helpful information as well Edit: I have no idea where to start, if someone can point me to like a beginners guide or something, so that I am using the right terminology and can begin to formulate a general idea. I only know that I need to have 40-64 cameras with the ability to expand and the ability to hold the video in archive for weeks to months.