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Everything posted by Alwin

  1. Hello Everybody, I have a webcam from www.kingdisplay.net mounted on the roof of my house which oversees the dutch coastline: www.zeewebcamscheveningen.nl The camera can be controlled with it's own server. But the command lines (in the API) are not available. The only thing available is the stream which is running very smooth on my website Now I want to make buttons on my website which will steer the camera to a certain preset position. As is i wrote earlier the command lines in the API are not available. But... the camera can also be controlled external with the PELCO system! Does anybody here know how i can get pelco commands thru the internet into the camera? I has to be constructed so that a certain preset has it's own URL, that's the easiest way to implement in my website. For example preset 1 : http:// etcetc Which i will be needing (i think) - a server (old PC) with internet acces - 232analyzer (running on old PC) - RS232 / RS485 converter So the real question is how can i get the URL command push the command line for a certain preset into the 232analyser... anybody ideas about this? Alwin