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Everything posted by 501

  1. I don't agree. A $1000 camera on a crappy DVR is still going to look crappy. A cheaper camera on a good DVR can still look good. Plus people could just post the type of camera that they are using so we are aware. My thing is you rarely get to see recorded video from a standard CCTV camera on a DVR system. It's a great judge of quality but is hard to find for certain DVR's. remote view is no indication of recorded quality and in the end that is the most important factor.
  2. Geo V8.1.2 supports Ip cams. Is Luxriot that good of software? I can't imagine it has more features then geo.
  3. Have any of you tested these cards? I would really like to see some sample video clips from one in d1.
  4. 501

    Neighbor taping me

    Point a laser pen into the lens of the camera. That should mess it up good, and you can do it effectivly from a long ways away.
  5. G-Mac, are these the cards that Airship uses? I checked out your site and the demo's and the videos and liked what I saw. I would really like to see some sample clips of regular CCTV cameras recorded on your DVR's. Currently my company uses Geovision with great success, hwo does your product and prices compare? PM if you prefer. Cheers.
  6. 501

    Gview 2 questions

    Make sure your not using port 80 or whatever your webcam server uses, make sure you use default port of 8866 to view. make sure it's activated in your webcam on the DVR and the ports are open on the dvr as well. i just upgraded to Gview V2 on V8.1.2 and now you can view up to 16 cameras at the same time on your phone! Yes, the pics are ultra tiny, but it's still kinda cool.
  7. 501

    Upgrading 8 port to 16 ports

    No, there is an onboard chip that controls the number of ports.
  8. Now that you mention it, I have a customer complaining of the same thing on one particluar camera after an upgrade. Maybe 8.1.2 will fix it. It took a while to clue in but yes, I am having the exact same problem. I thought it was a schedule issue cause it records all the time, and the camera is perfect, no noise issues or anything. I'll have to investigate it further.
  9. I gotta ask Rory, where did you learn to program so well? Did you take it in school? Your webpage demo witht he GV-System interface is excellent!
  10. There is some EXCELLENT advice here. It seems like you have all hit it on the head. It took me a long time to realize that you have to release control of certain aspetcs in order to grow but it is true. Scorpion and jisaacmagee, thanks for that input, I know many will benefit from it. P.S. I was a technician who had good sales experience, and after 7 years, I still ove playing with a finished system, but I prefer the sales aspect much more then crawling through attics!
  11. Great looking card. Specs say it does 480 fps at 320X240 so I can't imagine it also does that at 640x480. I also looked at that 6480 card and it appears to be software compression (it didn't say anythign about it anyways). Can a software compression card really do 960 fps in 640x480? * EDIT * Never mind, I looked up their comparisson chart and it claims the 6480 WILL do 640X480 at 480 fps for 16 cams, even though it IS software compression. That is impressive. It does claim that with 32 cameras, recording rates will remain at 480fps, but still, that is pretty good for D1 res. I am really interested in testing a Geo card side by side with an Aver card now.
  12. I've been interested in the Avermedia cards for a while too. What are the benefits of them over Geo? Geo is going to support HD CCTV IP cams in the next version thought aren't they?
  13. 501

    how to turn deinterlace on?

    If you choose the 640x480 de-interlace as the source, you shouldn't need de-interlace rendering turned on because it is only for the source of 640x480 or 720x480.
  14. I've done some basic testing side by side. Cameras are effected by lighting, so I test cameras in various lighting. While comparing DVR cards, I haven't preffered anything over geovision.
  15. Here are a few pics. All standrd res bullets (different kinds), at 640X480 H.264 compression.
  16. 501

    first build

    Have you tried just choosing the source of 640X480 and then enabling the de-interlace rendering option in the System Configure? That is what the deinterlace rendering is for and it makes for a much clearer video imho. You need decent video for this option.
  17. 501

    first build

    There won't be any lines if you choose a source of 640x480 de-interlaced (formerly known as 640x480 S/W), only if it is true 640x480 do you need the de-interlace rendering enabled. What source do you use Rory?
  18. 501

    first build

    I have always found the difference to be huge. I don't think the video card makes abig difference. I have tried probably 15 different video cards over the years and have always found the same results whether it be ATI or Nvidia. The de-interlce render is the only thing I have found that required a decent video card or upper end on board. Also, if you export the video, and play it back on another machine, the 640x480 will be better leading me to think the video card isn't responsible for the lower quality. Also with deinterlace rendering enabled, I find the lines are missing anyways.
  19. 501

    first build

    I have always found similar results when comparing the 640x480 deinterlaced and the 640x480 with deinterlace rendering enabled. I've found most of the newer on board video support it and it works great. I've tested with many different cards and codecs but didn't find they made much difference. These are the same quality comparrissions I have found over the past few years which is why i always use the 640 with deinterlace rendering. Many on this board post they use the 640 Deinterlace (aka 640x480 SW), and I have always been dissappointed with the results. I actually had my personal DVR set to this yesterday and an incident occured and i was definitley not impressed with the quality, it 's impossible to recognize the people. I have some sample shots somewhere showing the differences.
  20. 501

    first build

    The second image is with a source of 640X480 Deinterlaced, while the first is with a source of 640X480 with de-interlace rendering enabled. These are the same results I have gotten.
  21. 501

    first build

    I've never found the de-interlaced as good as the 640X480 normal with deinterlace Rendering enabled. As mentioned above, there are always "jaggies" on angled items. There are 2 types of video sources, 640X480 and 640X480 de-interlaced, but in plain 640x480 there is a de-interlaced option. I always use 640x480 as a source, and enable de-interlace rendering.
  22. 501

    DVR Integration

    geovsion has software for this.
  23. 501

    traffic cameras

    You can also look into Extreme CCTV products.
  24. I recently had a VERY bizzare problem where the camera would work great until it was attached to the building at which point the video would be totally messed up. We pin pointed it to some time of ground or electrical issue in the building (It was a tin exterior). We put up a piece of wood and then mounted the camera to the wood and the problem went away. Just a thought.
  25. 501

    Extremly bright image

    Just pay the price for genuine Geovision cards and you won't have these problems. Time is worth a lot of money and if you save $100 but spend 8 hours trying to fix the card or at least make it work, your definitley not farther ahead, never mind trying to sevice your customers.