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Everything posted by 501

  1. I also agree Rory. Unless a customer NEEDS the TV out I never stray from the 800's. Good better video quality with all the features. I was working on a 1240 tonight, live video is crap, although the recorded is fine. I personally think the 800 does a better job with mid res cameras compared to the combo cards too (no proof just my personal preference).
  2. Believe it or not, I had a system with a foxconn board and it worked better with the on board video. Did you try this?
  3. 501

    Full D1 recording speed of GV-800?

    I don't think a GV800 with only 4 cameras will leave you dissappointed in terms of frame rate. We install 800-16 cams frequently and at 640x480 the results are great, plently of frames for all but the most demanding applications.
  4. 501

    Playback CD on different computers

    I agree with ezCCTV. The quality is at it's peak and all the enhancement and zoom functions are there. Far far far superior to WMP.
  5. I don't know if anyone else had found this, but when using the Geo H.264 compression and recording in 640x480 or 720x480 when you try to play the video back at 4 or 8 or 16 or 32x speed it is extremly choppy and misses a lot of frames. I think it is due to the high compression of the H.264 and the additional CPU/GPU it requires to playback but if people like to playback files at higher speeds then this is not the compression to choose. It sure does allow for a lot of storage though.
  6. Try here Mike: http://www.remote-security.com/gvupdate.htm
  7. 501

    Geovision 800 compared to my SwannDvr4NrtPlus

    I did a bit of looking and the Swann Dvr 4 Net Plus only supports 4 cameras but on their specs on their site they claim 480 fps display which is IMPOSSIBLE with 4 cameras. The recording resolution is also quite low. Bottom line is Swann is very low end, and I'd avoid it at all costs. If your good with computers, you will not be dissappointed with the 800. It is an excellent card and I have installed many of them. If your not good with computers look at other stand alones maybe but you will not get the quality out of the Swann your looking for. link to Swann: http://www.swann.com.au/s/products/view/?product=368
  8. First and easiest thing to try is you could also swap the cams around at the back of the DVR and if it follows the camera to a different port, then the DVR isn't the problem. Next you can you try swapping that camera with another to see if it's the camera or the cable. If you swap them and the problem follows the camera, then the camera is the problem, but if it doesn't it may be in the cabling or power supply.
  9. Thanks a lot CameraGenius, I can't wait to see the clips. It will be nice to compare the product side by side with say an 800 or 1480 just to see if there is a big difference in video quality (apart from frame rate, which should be better with the 2008 for sure). Also, I couldn't imagine a "64 channels system with 4pcs 16-ch card, the total fps is 1600" with 512 Mb of ram...... I mean come on.....
  10. Hey CameraGenius, have you tested out the 2008 boards? I am looking forward to seeing how the video quality compares to standard geo products.
  11. We have "Telus" in Canada, and I've gotten it to work perfetc.
  12. I definitley agree. I imagine this plan of theirs actually lost a lot of business for them.
  13. Ya, some of my customers were effected by this as well. For most users, once the system is running stable and problem free, there is little reason to upgrade (most of the new features they come out with are used by few users I'd imagine, features like privacy mask or counter application). I like most on this board always like to have the latest software on my own system, so I went ahead and purchased a new 650 when V8 came out and its been perfect, hopefully it will be supported for a long time. As for using the card in 20 years, I can only hope the technology improves at the rate it has been over the past 10 years, I can only imagine what the systems will be like then. And at that time, a 20 year old Geo card will be about as valuable as a 5 1/4 floppy drive is now. Think of all the MP'3 you could fit on one of those.
  14. Good call, CollinR, or even better, give us some free cards to test out!
  15. Ya, it stinks that some of the older cards can not use the updated software, but if he buys a new Geo card it will be supported a lot longer then the an old or used version of the card. I haven't heard about the new software only working with a new O/S (I assume your talking about vista?). Security Consultant, post some of these clips please.
  16. Interesting Mr.Security Consultant, I know your trying to sell you products, so I checked out that webpage you posted and no where does it say it can record in D1, only 4CIF. Also, the Avermedia7000 cards while they do support realtime, at D1 with 4 cards in a system, the max frame rate is only 120 fps (480fps only at 320X240).
  17. The 600 is a great card. I have been installing the 800s and combo cards for customers but have always used the 600 at home for my 4 to 8 cameras. Great picture, loads of features and the Geo is stable too. I personally wouldn't look at entry level no-name stand alones, quality, features and the ability to configure them to you exact needs are just not there compared to Geo, plus with a brand new Geo card you'll get future software updates.
  18. 501

    Geo's Recording Speeds & Image Sizes

    Ahhhh, the speckles, I know exactly what you mean. I asked my supplier and he said I was imagining the difference, but I can definitely see the difference between a combo cards live video (1120/1240/1480) and that of a GV-800. I have installed about 5 of the combo card systems and I think that the 800 has better video, but the combo cards have some nice features specifically the TV output. I don't think most notice the difference but I definitely do. Out of all the DVR's I have used/installed/worked on, I think that the Geo 800's have the best quality video of them all. I would really like to see some good quality video from a Bosch or another very high end stand alone to compare the quality of the video, but have never had the chance to install one.
  19. 501

    Geo's Recording Speeds & Image Sizes

    I couldn't agree more with you on all those points, they are the exact same things i found with the two different systems. I looked into the Avermedia cards and a few others and to get 480fps on 16 cameras at 640X480 seems to be quite a challange. Do you know if a standard GV card is needed in addition to the hardware cards or just the two hardware cards? One thing to note is the 1120-1480 have automatic AGC but it can't be fine tuned or adjusted like on the 800 which is a feature I like.
  20. 501

    Geo's Recording Speeds & Image Sizes

    Hey Rory, did you find out the specific information from Geo about the recording speeds? We are building a few DVR's for a customer that requires real time (30ps) on 13 of the 16 cameras and we were planning on using the 1480 card but does anyone know if these frame rates are possible on 640x480 or even 720X480? We generally use the 800's wtih excellent success and sometimes use the 1120's when we require TV out but rarely use the 1480 due to the etra storage that would be required for 16 cameras recording at 30fps which isn't always necessary. If no one has a definite answer, I might contact geo support directly.
  21. I am installing a GV-1120 and would like to send the TV output about 700 via Cat5 cable to a monitor. I am planning on using standard CCTV Baluns on the Cat5 to send the signal (these are the only lines available and the conduit is too full to pull another wire. Has anyone ever sent the signal out this way and if so what kinds of distances have they gone?
  22. 501

    GV system reboots every 10-15 minutes

    Have you watched it shut off? Does it close down the programs or just shut right off with no warning? this could help it trouble shooting it. Did you check the System log in the Videolog?
  23. I have installed over 100 Geovision systems, and have been 100% happy with the product. Never used Video Insight so I can't compare but I know you would be happy with Geo.
  24. I have to agree. I went to an old customers site to do and install and was so impressed with the system we had put in for them 3 years before because it was quite old, but the quality was perfect. Then I realized, it was the old monitor. Very weird that it would look better then a new 19 inch LCD.
  25. I find the 600's are quite reasonable so for 4 cameras or less we go 600, 8 cameras or more 800, and a high end system 1120 or 1240.