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Everything posted by Siiak

  1. Hi all, We have to install a system at a remote location its a motel and dsl / cable is not available, we have 2 options as to go with Satellite or EVDO cellular, I have read good reviews about sprint, my question is, is it possible and has anyone tried to upload the video via webcam on cellular evdo network Going with sprint will be cheaper also, thanks a lot Edward
  2. Siiak

    Running geo webcam on sprint EVDO

    We used a data card, Sprint store did not mention any data limit, is there any ?
  3. Siiak

    Running geo webcam on sprint EVDO

    Just an update we went with sprint, EVDO and its working very nicely, only thing when it disconnect it gives you a new ip on reconnect, but with dns programs we can over come this problem. regds all
  4. Siiak

    Fullscreen?? Directdraw overlay??

    I had a similar problem on one of the installs, what I did to solve it was donloaded the latest drivers for Geforce, and then after reboot, install the the latest directx from microsoft. No problem after that. regds Edward
  5. Siiak

    Geovision 1480 audio problem

    Thanks the audio problem has been solved I had to switch it to realtime, by defaults its set on frame by frame. Thanks
  6. Siiak

    Geovision 1480 audio problem

    Hi all, I just finished the 1480 installation, everything works good, I can listen to audio in live mode, but when I goto pl;ayback, there is no audio. I have enabled audio for 3 cameras, any sugesstions, the speaker icon in playback is greyed out, the recording resolution is 640 x 480 de-inte. and recording codec is geo4. I will really appricaite any sugesstion. Thanks
  7. Siiak

    Geovision 1480 audio problem

    Let me try that play back in real time thing, Thanks for these sugessions. One more thing is Geo4- ASP better then Normal Geo 4 ?? Regds Edward
  8. 512K should be fine, if your using DSL, just my 2 cents as I we tell our coustomers to get the pakage which offer 512K upload, here Verizon is far better then cable.
  9. Siiak

    Cold Temp Cameras?

    Try the simple shrink rap trick you'll be amazed, the one we use in kitchen
  10. You can apply for the license via the DPS website clikc under private security, hope this helps
  11. Hi All, Im facing a strange problem, this is a GV-800 12 port card with dongle and running ver 7.04, everything works great web cam works great on the intranet 192 address, but when we try the WAN address 71.x.x.x nothing will show up, Im using port 81 as server port. Now here is the interesting part if I use the external WAN address without the 81 option the webcam screen comes up and it will go all the way till asking for login name and password then I get a message that can't connect to server. So if on server im using port 82 on the WAN side I have to use port 81 to connect, if I use port 81 on server, on the wan side I'll have to use port 80 to connect. so its port used on server minus 1 This is strange, has anyone encountered this, I have opened the ports on my router so that is not a problem. regds all Edward
  12. Siiak

    Geo Vision remote webcam Problem

    The ports are open, as I have also put the ip on a DMZ/defined them individually as port forward, but the thing which confuses me is why I have to do a minus 1 on port number when I connect from outside. like on server its port 82 then i'll have to type 71.x.x.x:81 and not 82 thanks
  13. Siiak

    Need Help and advice

    Hi all, The DVR has a UPS, and the installation was done at a mall, no we did not install any outside cameras just the inside, Im located in US, TX. Thanks all
  14. Hi All, This is a very good site and I have learned a lot of thingsI frequently read the post, but never registered, something strange happened today at a clients store for which I need some help. We installed a Samsung DVR, and its working fine for past 6 months, client called me that the dvr suddnly stopped recording, right after 2 guys showed up to buy some jewellery, he thought they looked fishy so he went to make a vhs after they left and found that the dvr's recording is off althought the unit is still on, there was no electrical problems as well I told him to reset the dvr and it worked fine. Here is the strange thing, when I reviewed the recording with him, we noticed strange interferences in the 2 cameras then there was some ghosting effects and poof recording stopped, this happened when these guys showed up before that and after restart everything works ok is there a way to shoot something at the dvr to make it stop recording or courpt the data. Any help would be appricaited. regds Edward