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  1. evocctv

    This is my layout, now what should I choose

    thanks, ye I will definitely take the tips into consideration. i find it kind of hard to find good reviews on DVRs sadly. As for remote viewing, is there anything I need to make sure the DVR has to be able to perform this function? I found a video of the potential cameras, , can anyone tell me what kind of wires/connectors I will need to connect them to the DVR? I was thinking siamese, but the cables seem to be video (yellow) power (red) and a third detached cable?
  2. evocctv

    This is my layout, now what should I choose

    Thanks for the pointers When you speak of analog camera dvr, how would you differentiate between digital and analog? I have found a better DVR, Q-See QT5680-1, and I'm trying to understand if it is digital or analog? The dvr mentioned above has a "D1" recording resolution...and HDMI compared to others that offer VGA ports.
  3. evocctv

    This is my layout, now what should I choose

    cameras will be facing inwards, not outwards. thanks for the sun/light recommendation. any idea on the equipment selected? what's the best way to wire everything up? siamese wire to the dvr and power box? thanks
  4. Hey guys, I'm trying to set up a cctv system, below is the layout. The distance from front to rear is around 50 feet to give you an idea of sizes. The system I'm looking for is a standalone one, with web connectivity, and 8 channels (for future expansion of outside cameras). So far this is what I have selected based on a few hours of research: Indoor Dome Cameras: CNB DFL-20S (4x $200) DVR: Zmodo 8 channel 1TB ($180) Other: VideoSecu power supply box ($40) + cables With less than $500 I would have everything covered. Any thoughts on the equipment I have chosen or layout? thanks