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  1. yeah If it was for a job I would, but its just for my brother in law and I'm buying! Lol. He just wants one simple camera. Ill give it a try and let you know how it works. Ryan
  2. rpogge

    Newbie: CCTV via USB

    not sure if this is any good. but its cheap, .. I'm about to order one I think. http://cgi.ebay.com/New-USB-Video-Audio-Capture-Adapter-Card-DVD-VCD-Maker_W0QQitemZ330208355667QQihZ014QQcategoryZ3761QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  3. I am lookign to just hook up a single camera to my PC, will one of those video cards with a single "tv input" work or do I need something else? I dont want to spend alot on an 8 port card I just need 1 camera. Thanks! Ryan update* What do you guys think about this: http://cgi.ebay.com/New-USB-Video-Audio-Capture-Adapter-Card-DVD-VCD-Maker_W0QQitemZ330208355667QQihZ014QQcategoryZ3761QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem It's from HongKong so im kinda scared to order it, but its so cheep that if it doesnt work i guess its no big deal. Anyone ever tried a device like this? All I need is 20-30FPS for a single camera. Also what software would work well for simple recording and playback - that is free? Thanks again.
  4. Going to try a Panasonic WV-CW964 Mounted 65% from horizontal. Is there such a thing as polorized dome covers or something to cut down on glare? The "smoked" ones don't realy do too much...
  5. Well, I have calculated that at full zoom on this camera it would need to be at about a 67 deg angle from horizontal to view the top floor at full zoom. so its not all the way sideways. still worries me though.
  6. Has anyone ever tried this? I have about a 250 foot tall condo, we need to place a PTZ about 75'back from the building at about 10' off the ground, and have it be able to look all the way up top. I was thinkign of mounting it sideways or upside down, has anyone ever tried this? My concern is the motors or other internal parts not being designed to bear weight or operate under that condition when the camera is mounted that way that angle, thus damaging the camera in a short period of time ...etc etc ... ???? Thanks! Ryan
  7. rpogge

    Here is a fun question for the pros here

    And another: http://www.gigapxl.org/gallery.htm
  8. rpogge

    Here is a fun question for the pros here

    Ok so we are gonna probably do a scanner mounted with a extreemcctv cam with the 1500mm fujion , and an extreemcctv IR illuminatior, which aparently when mounted on the scanner with the camera will illuminate any distance that the camera can see .. they explained to me its like a very tightly focused beam of IR ..almost like a laser.
  9. rpogge

    Here is a fun question for the pros here

    Oo. yeah find that link please And yes .. definantly need decent lens's .. in fact I'd preffer the best lens's as opposed to decent WOW http://www.fujinon.com/Security/ProductCategory.aspx?cat=40 check out those videos towards the bottom, those lenses are friggin awsome Speced at 1500mm ! wow
  10. rpogge

    Here is a fun question for the pros here

    Its more like 100 acres I think, and I need to get the distances still from tower to treelines around the perimeter. I'M not sure how much of the total acerage is trees vs meadow ... Im not very good at judging acerage by lookign at it. It seems like 300 - 500 yards or so to the treeline in some spots. Let me get some exact measurments ... I think after speaking with him again, that nightvision is not a requirment anymore, he would rather have better quality in daylight than sacrefice that for nightvision. So .. im looking for the highest res megapixel I can get my hands on (5mp ganz is best io have found so far), and That 30-750mm lens is looking real nice! Its $5,000 by itself ... which is fine if it works. throw in a scanner and some type of user interface and we are set.
  11. rpogge

    Here is a fun question for the pros here

    Im looking at a GANZ MP3-DN, It is the only dual imager megapixel I have found so far. http://cctvpros.com/Product/12125/Ganz__12_Dual_sensor_daynight_megapixel_CS-Mount_IP_camera_3MP15MP-MP3-DN.htm?back=%2fproducts%2fAll%2f1150-Megapixel%2f5%2f20page.htm I also found a motorized lense that goes to 750mm, not sure if its compatable. http://cctvpros.com/Product/8900/Rainbow__Motorized_zoom_-_12_Format_30-750mm_F46__auto-iris_Video-H25X30MGE.htm?back=%2fproducts%2fAll%2f41-Motorized_Zoom%2f4%2f20page.htm And for a scanner I found this one: http://www.surveillance-video.com/pelpsoutscan.html How does that look so far (especialy the lense). I saw Ganz has a 5MP cam too, but its not dual imager. Anyone know of a dual MP that is > 3MP ?
  12. rpogge

    Here is a fun question for the pros here

    That sounds like what I need! WHat brand should I look at for the scanner? I assume it has a builtin network interface of some sort also? Or would I need to interface this to a PC?
  13. rpogge

    Here is a fun question for the pros here

    Not out of the question. So if im understanding this right, these cams can also track heat? Like if something walks across its field of view it could PTZ to follow the heat source automaticly? That would be ... awsome.