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I am lookign to just hook up a single camera to my PC, will one of those video cards with a single "tv input" work or do I need something else? I dont want to spend alot on an 8 port card I just need 1 camera. Thanks! Ryan update* What do you guys think about this: http://cgi.ebay.com/New-USB-Video-Audio-Capture-Adapter-Card-DVD-VCD-Maker_W0QQitemZ330208355667QQihZ014QQcategoryZ3761QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem It's from HongKong so im kinda scared to order it, but its so cheep that if it doesnt work i guess its no big deal. Anyone ever tried a device like this? All I need is 20-30FPS for a single camera. Also what software would work well for simple recording and playback - that is free? Thanks again.
yeah If it was for a job I would, but its just for my brother in law and I'm buying! Lol. He just wants one simple camera. Ill give it a try and let you know how it works. Ryan
not sure if this is any good. but its cheap, .. I'm about to order one I think. http://cgi.ebay.com/New-USB-Video-Audio-Capture-Adapter-Card-DVD-VCD-Maker_W0QQitemZ330208355667QQihZ014QQcategoryZ3761QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
PTZ mounted upside down to look UP a tall building?
rpogge replied to rpogge's topic in Security Cameras
Going to try a Panasonic WV-CW964 Mounted 65% from horizontal. Is there such a thing as polorized dome covers or something to cut down on glare? The "smoked" ones don't realy do too much... -
Has anyone ever tried this? I have about a 250 foot tall condo, we need to place a PTZ about 75'back from the building at about 10' off the ground, and have it be able to look all the way up top. I was thinkign of mounting it sideways or upside down, has anyone ever tried this? My concern is the motors or other internal parts not being designed to bear weight or operate under that condition when the camera is mounted that way that angle, thus damaging the camera in a short period of time ...etc etc ... ???? Thanks! Ryan
PTZ mounted upside down to look UP a tall building?
rpogge replied to rpogge's topic in Security Cameras
Well, I have calculated that at full zoom on this camera it would need to be at about a 67 deg angle from horizontal to view the top floor at full zoom. so its not all the way sideways. still worries me though. -
I have a customer with a pretty much unlimmited budget. They want one thing, a single camera mounted on top of thier observation tower (yes thier house has an observation tower built into it which is about 3 or 4 stories up in the air) Here are the requirments. Pan Tilt Zoom (and PTZ from internet) Massive Zoom (they are zooming and PTZ'ing around about a 200 acre meadow that surrounds the house) Best image quality available day and night. (I am assuming they are going to need true NightVision for nightime viewing at such distances) - GenIII+ nightvision optics minimum. and of course the best Image quality I can get, 2 or 3 megapixils minimum I would think. More would be better. The ability to easily record video on demand, I.E. you are PTZ around and find somethign interesting, hit a button, and record video to a computer in the highest quality possible. ... The camera will not be used to record 24/7 ... but there could possibly be sittuations where the user might want to record a certain area for a few hours /days ... but in general just when they see somethign of interest. I almost feel like I could get the best results by using a real video camera of some sort w/ zoom lense, nightvision, and mounted on a PTZ device, interfaced to a PC. But I am not sure how the nightvision part would work, because that has to be pysicaly mounted in front of the lense, which would create a problem durring daylight hours, Might need 2 seperate cameras, one day, and one nightvision ... but I would rather day / nightvision switching be transparent to the user. So does anyone have any ideas?
whats a microburst?
And another: http://www.gigapxl.org/gallery.htm
Ok so we are gonna probably do a scanner mounted with a extreemcctv cam with the 1500mm fujion , and an extreemcctv IR illuminatior, which aparently when mounted on the scanner with the camera will illuminate any distance that the camera can see .. they explained to me its like a very tightly focused beam of IR ..almost like a laser.
Oo. yeah find that link please And yes .. definantly need decent lens's .. in fact I'd preffer the best lens's as opposed to decent WOW http://www.fujinon.com/Security/ProductCategory.aspx?cat=40 check out those videos towards the bottom, those lenses are friggin awsome Speced at 1500mm ! wow
Its more like 100 acres I think, and I need to get the distances still from tower to treelines around the perimeter. I'M not sure how much of the total acerage is trees vs meadow ... Im not very good at judging acerage by lookign at it. It seems like 300 - 500 yards or so to the treeline in some spots. Let me get some exact measurments ... I think after speaking with him again, that nightvision is not a requirment anymore, he would rather have better quality in daylight than sacrefice that for nightvision. So .. im looking for the highest res megapixel I can get my hands on (5mp ganz is best io have found so far), and That 30-750mm lens is looking real nice! Its $5,000 by itself ... which is fine if it works. throw in a scanner and some type of user interface and we are set.
Im looking at a GANZ MP3-DN, It is the only dual imager megapixel I have found so far. http://cctvpros.com/Product/12125/Ganz__12_Dual_sensor_daynight_megapixel_CS-Mount_IP_camera_3MP15MP-MP3-DN.htm?back=%2fproducts%2fAll%2f1150-Megapixel%2f5%2f20page.htm I also found a motorized lense that goes to 750mm, not sure if its compatable. http://cctvpros.com/Product/8900/Rainbow__Motorized_zoom_-_12_Format_30-750mm_F46__auto-iris_Video-H25X30MGE.htm?back=%2fproducts%2fAll%2f41-Motorized_Zoom%2f4%2f20page.htm And for a scanner I found this one: http://www.surveillance-video.com/pelpsoutscan.html How does that look so far (especialy the lense). I saw Ganz has a 5MP cam too, but its not dual imager. Anyone know of a dual MP that is > 3MP ?
That sounds like what I need! WHat brand should I look at for the scanner? I assume it has a builtin network interface of some sort also? Or would I need to interface this to a PC?
a Scanner is what?
Not out of the question. So if im understanding this right, these cams can also track heat? Like if something walks across its field of view it could PTZ to follow the heat source automaticly? That would be ... awsome.
Yeah they have seen many grizzlies this year, he just had a close encounter, grizzly came up over an overhang about 15 feet in front of where he was sitting a few weeks ago while elk hunting. and a second when a grizzly charged him while he was calling with a baby elk call, came busting out of the brush about 30 yards ahead of him dead run straight for him, changed its mind about 15 feet out when it saw it was not a baby elk, and veered off into the brush. !!! I myself am from Maryland, I'll be out there over xmas to take a better look, probably won't install till it thaws out in the spring. I might install over xmas if the weather permits and if its not too difficult of an install(if i just go with 1 ptz).
How much $? Its around 4 stories tall. Why ... is thier a minimum range on those cams?
*edit - I see your from northwest montana, that happens to be where this will be - Condon to be exact!(between Missoula and flathead lake)* also, originaly(6 months ago) the plan was just to use a single sony PTZ http://bssc.sel.sony.com/BroadcastandBusiness/DisplayModel?m=10001&p=20&sp=165&id=83242&navid=network_cameras I think we can do much much better, the resolution on that one(333k pixels) is not going to be acceptable IMO) Thermal Imaging - Woah thats some nice gear! The main purpose of the camera is wildlife observation elk/deer/grizzly bears mostly at several hundred yeards+ remote viewing/remote pTZ from the internet is required. Hence the want for very high resolution / and zoom. After lookign at the link you provided I must say thermal imaging is awsome, and probably way better than nighvision for detecting animals at night. However I think nightvision probably produces a better picture. The house and tower are dead center of a great big meadow and the idea was to put a single camera at the tip of the tower so that it can PTZ 360 degrees, and basicly for the user to be able to ptz and see anything they want anywhere on the property. Maybe I underestimate IR spotlights, but it seems like it would take a bloody mess of them to flood an area that big. while cost is not realy a factor, complexity is ... Id rather not have to figure out how to run 50 seperate IR lights all over hundreds of acres of meadow, and figure out how to power them all. I know using secondary cameras would allow me to use less powerfull cameras, but thats not realy what they want. Let me change the requierment slightly, if I forget about the night vision for a moment, or say that im going to go with two seperate systems for day/night.... What camera will give me the very best image quality in daylight at those type of distances? I feel like if I didnt need the remote viewing, remote PTZ functions I would want to be using just a regular video camera with a big zoom lense. To be honest I think the perfect device would be a high def digital camcorder with a 600mm or so zoom lense on a tripod... but then I have to interface it to a PC somehow so that I can get remote view/ptz. Pretty cool aplication realy I can't wait to get something worked out. will definantly be posting pictures when I do the project. Myabe some big mean grizzly bears will wander through will i'm there =p Thanks for the input. Ryan
I need to get the actual yardages, I think the clearing is actualy 100 acres. They want 360 degree pan , so i think Illuminating everythign with IR would be out of the question just due to the complexity of flooding that much open space with IR. I was hoping there was something out there that was true nightvision. I haven't been able to find anything though. I have a Gen III+ mill spec night vision this one: http://www.opticsplanet.net/us-nightvision-14-g3.html And I can (i think) get an adaptor to fit it to a camera lense, so I think I can probably get it onto a video camera of some sort. the question is has anyone tried anything like this in conjunction with a megapixil cam ? If so how is the image ? I might have to do two seperate systems to get the results I want, one for day, one for night. What do you guys think ?
My supplier also recomended I try the Sony SNC-DF4 IP Dome. Along with Sony RealShot Manager V4 software. But let me rephrase the question. I need to put 4 IP cams in a school, for daytime monitoring mostly, although a usable picture at night in case of break-ins is also required. They will be watching entry points into the school(front door etc) and a stairwell. I want something analog - non-megapixil, just with the Network interface. Probably use LuxRiot for recording. What would you guys use in this situation. Regards, Ryan
HI all, I am thinking about purchasing some Speco IPINTD3 IP cameras. They are the Intensifier series Domes. Has anyone used them before? How are they , and how is the free software that comes with them? I am installing 4 of them, and recording to a network server. or .. if the Specos suck, whats a good choice for the price range. (specos were gonna cost me 550 a peice). Thanks, Ryan
Hi, Been awile since Ive posted, anyway as the title states, I am looking for pictures, or prefferably if anyone knows of any flash/or whatever type presentations on comparing WDR vs non-WDR cameras to use in my sales pitches. I saw the one at the Pano website, SDII vs SDIII flash presentation, and it is great, but its not realy WD vs Non-WD. Any ideas? Thanks a bunch Ryan
What would be a good camera for a room that is completly dark, except for bright sunlight entering through a window. We have honeywell d/n domes in there now, and they are not even close to cutting it. I know I need WDR, but I need a WDR cam that will work well in low light. I was lookign at the GE DI series XP2, but read in another thread that they perform pooly in low light. I need a recomendation. something in the sub $500 range please. Thanks Ryan
Looking for 7 - 10 (ish) inch in-wall LCD screen.
rpogge posted a topic in Installation Help and Accessories
As the subject states, Im trying to source a LCD monitor in the 7-10 inch range that can be mounted flush in a wall. Prefferably less than $300. *I did find one from ADI, that was like $500+ for a 10inch which is a little too much for the budget of this project. Thanks! Ryan