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Everything posted by adspud0

  1. Hi my dvr won't stop making a alarm going off - it starts 10seconds after turning on !i have turned it on /off ect and taken the battery out fir 10 seconds but its not helping, it worked fine be for moving from my dads to mine. I tried maplins but as we nolonger hvthe recipt there no help.......hope someone can help thanks Adam
  2. 21, 2013 12:26 pm Hi, once you have plugged in all the leads and you turn it on it plays a alarm and also wont let you click on the menu or any other buttons, has anyone had this problem? if so do you know how to sort it? I have had a look online and tried all I can see to do can’t seem to get it to work. (I have sent a email to the manufacture. who said try maplins who wont help can help? PS U can see the image on the screen but will not record let U change the date time ect. Make is Safe-core Drv400m. I need to sort this out asap - anyone know how to sort or had the same issue?
  3. Hi,I have just got around to setting up the system today but once you have plugged in all the leads and you turn it on it plays a alarm and also wont let you click on the menu or any other buttons, has anyone had this problem? if so do you know how to sort it? I have had a look online and tried all I can see to do but can’t seem to get it to work. (I have sent a email to the manufacture.Hope you can help? PS U can see the image on the screen but will not record let U change the date time ect. Make is Safe-core Drv400m. I need to sort this out asap as i go away on monday afternoon! Thanks Adam