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Everything posted by untranslate

  1. untranslate

    KGuard network help!

    Ive set up 2 separate Kguard systems at my house. Not long after my hard drive crashed and i got to do it all again. So IM getting good at this. any way log onto your DRV's Network setup and set your DVR to static IP (Im using a linksys router as apposed to a hub though). You dont want the DVRs LOCAL Ip address to be changing it needs to be static or you will have to keep opening different ports. ( im sure there must be a away around this but im not that savy) On the Network setup page: Type = Static IP Media port: 9000 WEB port: 80 IP ADDR (or some thing in your IP range. Your router is likely, your PC, ect) Leave the rest alone. Taking a quick pick of the screen with your phone can help if your keep from forgetting your ip addresses and ports. Keep it handy until you can remember then erase the pic. Now go to the MOBILE page on your DVR. pick a name pick a password. set port to: 18000 MAKE SURE YOU USE THIS NAME, P/W and Port with your MOBILE APPS (kview) and not the name and pass word you use to log onto your DRV manually. Making them the same is easyest but less secure. Take another pic for reference. On your router or HUB 18000 is the port you need to forward so your mobile apps will work. so open port 18000 for what ever IP address (LOCAL) your DRV was set to in this case it is Now go to google on your PC or phone if it is connected to your network and type MY IP. your IP should be displayed right there at the top. REMEMBER this is your PUBLIC IP address emphasis on PUBLIC (your address from any where outside your own network) Even if you do not have a static ip address it likely does not change very often (ive had mine for months). So you can easily set up your mobile apps with just your IP address and no DDNS for now to make sure they are working. Now D/L, install, and open Kview. open the app then click the + at add a new system then do as follows: title (what ever name you want) model = your model (if you have an 8 channel with only 4 cameras you can choose the version with 4 channels make viewing simpler) IP address: YOUR public IP address that you got from google. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX port: 18000 user name: (the user name you set on the mobile page) pass word: The password you set on the mobile page. Hit save. Next turn off your phones WIFI. Now try viewing your cameras on your phone. Make sure you close the set up or camera viewer on your PC before you check them with your mobile. I seem to only allow one connection at a time. Once you get this working either leave it alone until your public IP changes (it could be months) Or attempt to set up a DDNS. You should have all the info you need to do that as well now. On a side note any one with a wireless router you may want to consider turning off SSID broadcast so your network does not appear when people do a wifi search it is also a good ideal to change those ports from default numbers. So change port 18000 to 1800X. Where X is a number from 1-9 that you like. Remember to change it on the DVR, Phone, and Port forward. Ive never done a tutorial before so i hope this helpful and not just more confusing. I probably need a proof reader as well. good luck.
  2. untranslate

    Caught the thief the 1st day <video>

    There was a camera on the computer desk. It was set up but i had not decided where to put it yet. So it was just sorta balanced in a cup. I figured maybe some one would just think it was a web cam and i could get a close up. He tried to cover it with paper and you can see the IR lights come on and shine though. The real camera was just sitting on a chest of drawers with lots of clutter around to hide it. I just attached some of my girlfriends hair pins to the base to keep it standing up. I had things vanishing so i made sure i didnt have any money around for a while. I was hoping they would be desperate to score some free cash. But i threw some other junk in there to see if it would be taken. A dead Iphone and an old scrip bottle with nothing but some aspirin in it. They took the old Iphone but it is basically worthless. I figured it was an employee. There were to many small incidents it had to be some one who was around a lot. Most of them have records already any way. I just did not know which one it was. It stupid really. Since i already knew him he was to easy to identify with the video. Since he works for me I have every bit of information to give the police full name, social, address, dob, every thing. Only thing i regret is he gets to spend the hottest month of the year in tax payer AC.
  3. I run a small lawn care biz with five workers and had things disappearing around my house. So i bought a CCTV system. I didnt know it but i had an OLD pair of keys missing also. Monday guy sneaks in and out really fast. Wednesday he left work to break into my house. Friday he went to jail. yFzlKLmi2g8 I had just got the system in the mail the day before and hadnt even hung the cameras yet. The system is Kview 8 channel with 4 600tvl bullet cams.
  4. I have an 8 channel DVR running with 4 small cameras 600TVL. It is just a small all in one home system (kguard). I have it hooked to a router linksys WRT54g and a modem. I was thinking I would like to have a 15 to 30 minute UPS just in case. So my question is what VA / watt system should i look for for this system. I have no ideal what the draw from the drv and cameras is but they run on 10v3a plugs. I keep my DVR in a large heavy safe. Should i consider keeping the UPS in there as well or would heat be an issue? Im probably not giving enough info for a great answer im just looking for ball park. Thanks for your time.