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Posts posted by captkingdom

  1. Thank you for the responses.

    Ok, my overall hope was to stay under $500 or at least close to it. If I have to go over that I guess I will just have to do that.

    So assuming you can direct me to an IP camera that will do the job, do I really need to buy anything else? Other than the POE Switch that has been mentioned?

    Do I really have to buy something like Blue Iris? As I mentioned I would like to preserve at least a few still images for archival.


    The point of the question being, perhaps If I don't need a bunch of other things I could raise the budget on the camera without much overall budget impact.


    I do think that PTZ is going to be needed. The first job I need to put it on is only a 3 week duration but is a 12 thousansd SF roof. This project is 225 miles away. there is not really anywhere I can mount the camera that can get a good view of the whole project at one time. Hence the desire to pan etc.


    I guess Long story short, this is something I feel i need. If I can't do it for the budget I hoped for, then I will just have to pay what it takes (without going overboard of course)

    Thanks again!

  2. I am a Contractor and I would like to set up a PTZ outdoor camera to monitor construction projects that I cant get to very often. The primary purpose is to verify personnel on site and see progress. A side benefit is night security.

    I am hoping to not need things like DVRs etc and hoped that I could set the camera up to snap a few stills in the morning when people show up via motion detection (this is definitely a sacrificial feature if needed to cut cost) but mostly just for remote viewing during the day.

    Is there a software based system that I could run this with from my PC?


    I anticipate being able to have a wired system and hoped to find out how to use the ethernet cable for power also.

    I am willing to spend up to around $300 on a camera, but hoping to keep the overall under $500


    I know virtually every possible question has already been answered here somewhere, but I know so little, I don't understand many of the terms and don't have weeks to study everything here. Please forgive me for that.


    Any suggestions you could provide will be much appreciated.

    BTW I did find these recommendations in a thread already


