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Everything posted by siward

  1. It failed on the power up self test, it just stopped and froze, I tried it a few times but the same thing happened every time. Thanks for the advise, I will try the card in another slot tomorrow and if no luck i will remove the tv card and try that Cheers Simon
  2. Hi All, I have purchased a cctv set-up, I fitted the dvr card to my pc and turned it on but windows wont start up , The pc powers up and does a memory check but then nothing happens. I removed the dvr card and turned on the pc and windows started up as normal. Could this be a faulty card? Or am i missing something? My pc is running windows xp and the specs are AMD Athlon 64 processor 512 ddr-ram 2x 150gb hdd geforce fx5600 graphics card tv card I purchased the cctv system from the link below http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=010&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=200038642364&rd=1&rd=1 Any help would be much appreciated Cheers Simon
  3. siward

    cctv help

    Hi All, I am new the forum and need some help, I would like to set-up cctv at my retail shop and be able to monitor the system over the internet at home. I have a pc and a broadband connection at the shop and at home, Am i correct in thinking all i need is the cameras and a dvr card to be able to monitor the system online? or would i need something else. Is their software available that would automatically pop up on the screen if motion was detected? Thanks in advance for any help Cheers Simon
  4. siward

    cctv help

    Thank you, I will check out the GeoVision website
  5. siward

    cctv help

    Thanks for the info, Unfortunately i'm on a bit of a tight budget at the moment so cannot pay a company to install the cctv, I have a pc already which i would use only for the cctv, So if i buy a dvr card and cameras will i be able to view the cctv online through the card? I'm not sure how it works I have searched through the forum but cannot find any answers. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers Simon