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Everything posted by zoster

  1. This is bump on this post. Can any of you guys out there wanna give me a little help on this? I'd really appreciate it.
  2. I'd like to eventually buy a really reliable, high-quality security camera system but, before I do and in the meantime, I would like to get a fairly inexpensive system for my house that will be easy to install and provide 4 to 8 camera coverage of a few areas of my yard at night. I have already invested in an alarm system for the house. I'm looking to spend around $300-$400 and, for that kind of money, I'm not expecting to be able to recognize faces or number plates. A party in the neighborhood has been causing problems for me by burglarizing me and vandalizing my property every few days/nights. So, the goal right now is to get an inexpensive system installed and then eventually replace it with a much better system after I've done enough research to know what I want and install it myself. So here are three questions that I have right now: 1.) Can you recommend a decent, inexpensive system that I can pick up online at a vendor like Amazon.com that would include the DVR and 4 to 8 cameras? I haven't got any experience in the installation of these things so easy installation would be a big help. The outdoor areas I would be covering would be lighted on a scale from adequate (say, mall parking lot level) to very good and distances would range from 20 to 60 feet. Internet capability would be very nice. 2.) I would like to have two or three of the cameras viewing through windows, at least initially before I install them properly outside. Since these type packages usually come with exterior IR lighted cameras, would this type of camera be able to capture images through a pane of glass or would I have to get a camera without the IR diodes? 3.) How reliable are wireless camera systems? I ask because I've heard that interference can interrupt camera transmission sometimes, and one of the individuals involved here is a ham radio operators so I assume they might try that tactic. Any help here will naturally be really appreciated. And thanks in advance for any suggestions, guys. Zoster
  3. I'm a newbie here and have to get a security camera system up and running at my home ASAP. Have had a number of problems with break-ins and vandalism and want to get set up as soon as I can. Right now Costco has a Q-see 12 or 16 cam system (forgot which but I know the dvr will handle a total of 16) on sale for $599 and I've seen several posts here and elsewhere that say, for the money, it's a tough deal to beat. I was wondering if any of you have this system or are familiar with it and would care to comment on the quality, ease of use and especially the ease of installation. I would want to get a couple of additional cameras with high resolution, variable magnification (dome) and/or low light use that were compatible with this dvr. Are the higher end Q-see cameras or cams that are compatible with this Q-see dvr capable of delivering performance that would allow recognizing faces and/or license plate numbers? Also, is this dvr capable of performing at that level with the proper cameras? How are the cameras that come with this system? Have never installed before so a system that is easy to install and has good support service is important. Any help here will be really appreciated. Thanks in advanced. Zoster